Please Release Errata Before Skelos

It is my understanding that the Book of Skelos will be released next month. No doubt there will be some errata for it as well.

To save time, Mongoose Publishing, please release errata for The Conan Roleplaying Game 1st printing.

There are a considerable number of errors in this book, but the real beauty of this game shines through anyway. Please help preserve the integrity of it by releasing errata in a timely fashion. The sheer number of reports, complaints, and oversights reported in this forum should clearly indicate some sort of Official Errata is not just a request but a necessity.

Thanks for making such a great book!
Yes, Mongoose! Please release the Errata first and quickly! You owe it to the people who bought the book in good faith and the many who are sitting on the fence, waiting for it to be released before buying the book.
I agree. But this also raises a question. Due to the unusual amount of errors and rules questions that need correcting, is this going to affect the release date of the Skelos book. I hope not because I want this book now, I need this book now, I....must....have....the....scrolls....of....Skelos!!
Iron_Chef said:
Yes, Mongoose! Please release the Errata first and quickly! You owe it to the people who bought the book in good faith and the many who are sitting on the fence, waiting for it to be released before buying the book.
The Errata and FAQ are being compiled based on several threads in this forum.

Check out this Post From MongoosePaul for your update.