Please don't change character creation during later books

It's reasonable to ask that the system remains consistent and, in most cases, self-contained within the core rulebook.

That is, I don't mind presenting advanced rules in some suppliments, but these add-on things should be more about providing more detailed, rather than more powerful options.
There are two ways to balance basic (LBB1) and extended (LBB4-7) characters, either:

reduce the number of skills the extended character generation produces in line with basic;


increas the number of skills awarded from basic character generation.

The second is easily achieved by borrowing a couple of idea from MegaTraveller basic character generation, the rule of four (make a survival, commission, promotion, special duty roll by four or more higher than needed and gain an extra skill for that term), and the inclusion of a special duty target number in the basic generation tables - make the roll and gain an extra skill that term.
This is one of the things I'm going to be keeping a close eye on when we start releasing the expanded chargen material. One of the good things about the Traveller chargen system is that it forms a game in its own right and can be balanced as one - mainly through balancing risk versus rewards.

For example, in the current documents scouts can get a metric tonne of skills. Way more than anyone else. They also have a far higher chance of suffering mishaps, death, and so on - see the disasterous life of Pondo Bolk for more details. Conversely, scholars are unlikely to get injured in the course of duty ("How did you lose your leg?" "Paper cut.") but have less adventurously-useful skills.

The current plan is to keep working off this paradigm.
Mongoose Chris said:
. . . in the current documents scouts can get a metric tonne of skills. Way more than anyone else. They also have a far higher chance of suffering mishaps, death, and so on . . .
As it should be.

Mongoose Chris said:
("How did you lose your leg?" "Paper cut.")

As someone currently doing hard time in a cubical farm, I must say that those papercuts can be rather nasty. :p :wink:
Who says Bureaucracy isn't dangerous? I hear there are Headhunters! In this day and age and in modern society!? SHOCKING! :shock:

Sigtrygg said:
There are two ways to balance basic (LBB1) and extended (LBB4-7) characters, either:

reduce the number of skills the extended character generation produces in line with basic;


increas the number of skills awarded from basic character generation.

The second is easily achieved by borrowing a couple of idea from MegaTraveller basic character generation...

Seems that Mongoose Traveller chargen grants more skills than LBB1, which is fine by me. And, as someone else mentioned on another thread, this will help the system work for the other supported game settings.