Pics of your gaming tables!


Hey guys, I Love all the pictures that have been put up in the miniatures thread so wandered if we could do something similar for the tables we've got for Judge Dredd!

This is the board I'm working on at the moment:

These are great tables guys :D

I am just starting to put together some terrain (Salute sucked about £150 out of my wallet just for Dredd terrain), but I suck at painting it.

Malosavich - is that Warmill MDF defence walls? They look great - I got some of their buildings but haven't built any yet.

Chaoschild - I got a bunch of files off world works but haven't dared to tackle them yet - my printer doesn't like decent card so I may have to get them printed at a proper print shop - any advice or tutorials you can give - your table looks lovely.
My printer doesn't do card either, so I cheated a bit. Basically I printed it out on A4 sticky labels, cut the bits out and then stuck them onto card. Use black card for preference, that way the corners show through in black rather than white/grey/beige.
Chaos-So all your terrain is just printed labels on card? It looks really awesome dude, what's it like to put together?

Richard- yeah mine is all warmill stuff, I love there range and intend to get a chunk more to properly make a mega city 4 by4 board! For panting the warmill stuff I did it super quickly, just prime it all black then using a can of grey spray at about 45 degrees, you just give it a medium to light spray so a natural gradient builds on it. Then I dirtied it a little, drybrushed the edges and painted a couple of details here and there :)

I've just added barbed wire to all the fences and intend to work on some graffiti next :)

chaoschild said:
My printer doesn't do card either, so I cheated a bit. Basically I printed it out on A4 sticky labels, cut the bits out and then stuck them onto card. Use black card for preference, that way the corners show through in black rather than white/grey/beige.

That's just genuis. I wouldn't have thought of doing that in years! Do you just put the stickers on and then cut, fold, glue like normal? Can I ask what weight of card you use? I'm guessing that too high a weight might make it hard to fold without tearing the stickers.

I might have to pop up to the Peterborough club to take a look sometime (I work in Letchworth, so just down the train track).
It's pretty lightweight card, thinner than cereal packets which are a bit too thick to work with (the big building in the centre of the board is made from cereal packet card so I know). I picked up a pack of A4 sheets of black card from the same stationery shop where I got the labels. Don't worry about tearing the labels, to get the card to fold properly I scored all the lines which meant cutting through the labels anyway.

Also, don't do what I did and assume that just because you're gluing the kits together permanently (instead of the "flat-pack" option WorldWorks recommend) you can skip the bracers. It does work, but...

Also, if you want to come up to the club you're more than welcome. We're running a big multi-player game of Dredd on the 24th to get some more players interested in the game.
Finally got my 4ft x 4ft 95% done, just waiting for the last few bits of scatter scenery to arrive!

Firstly an over view of the whole board:

Closer shots:

As you can see, all the buildings have detachable roofs and doors that open/close so you really can fight everywhere!!!

Really chuffed with how this has turned out, hope you guys get a kick out of seeing it.


P.S. if anyone wants to know, most of the scenery came from:

Check them out!
Here's some shots of my work in progress. Right now it's a 3'x3' but I plan on expanding to a full 4'x6' to fit multiplayer games better.



I decided I need to increase to a 4'x6' board to play some of the Block Wars missions, here's some shot of the bigger city:




These gaming tables are pretty cool. There's a nice mixture of ideas as how to portray Mega City One. Personally, I'm thinking of using a variety of card buildings and some buildings of my own make, using foam board etc. as I've done this previously with Mordheim terrain. However, is there any chance that we can please learn what Mongoose use in their photos?
Some of is the Tehnolog/Pegasus/Airfix Platform Builder kits. One big building that appears quite often in promo photos and packaging is made from the remains of a little cylinder vacuum cleaner. :)