Pics of the new Vorlon miniatures are up!!

Rambo said:
Then there's the two Vorlons with Sinclair/Valen: we know for a fact they're Vorlons, they're hovering above their suits!

The Vorlon apparition that appears alongside the Shadow on Sheridan's whitestar... he's speaking on behalf of the entire race so I would've thought it's safe to assume there's a Vorlon in that suit.

Well I am playing devil's advocate a little, but we don't know anything for a fact, those instances I've quoted above could very easily have been holograms.

I was going to say something about how the only good thing about these minis is that they're the last of the line, but there are Drazi and Rangers in the Schedule too.

Droshalla be with us... :roll:
Oi. Ugly miniatures. Then again we don't use miniatures when playing RPGs around here so it's really not a big deal.

Not to mention I just ordered the Centauri, EA, and League fact books as well as Darkness and Light. I don't have any cash left for miniatures even if they were good ones. :lol: Luckily these aren't.
nanite said:
I was going to say something about how the only good thing about these minis is that they're the last of the line, but there are Drazi and Rangers in the Schedule too.

Droshalla be with us... :roll:

If you don't like 'em, don't buy 'em. :roll:

Greg Smith said:
I would have liked to see a pointly-collared Vorlon like the nasty-looking Kosh II (I'm never sure of the correct nomenclature of the 'other' Vorlon).
A Kosh II would have been nice- I am surprised that with 6 Vorlon models they could n't do a Kosh II.

From memory we have only seen 3 Vorlons on screen so it would have been nice for all 3 to have featured in this set. It is not as if Mongoose will ever be doing a second Vorlon box set.

Maybe will just have to paint one of the 6 in appropriate colour scheme to be Kosh II?


lastbesthope said:
nanite said:
I was going to say something about how the only good thing about these minis is that they're the last of the line, but there are Drazi and Rangers in the Schedule too.

Droshalla be with us... :roll:

If you don't like 'em, don't buy 'em. :roll:


I'm getting kinda tired of this argument.

I want to support this line of miniatures, but the quality is terrible.

Why should I be punished with substandard minis just because I like Babylon 5? :roll:
nanite said:
Why should I be punished with substandard minis just because I like Babylon 5? :roll:

If you were joking then ignore this comment but if not.....

You are not being punished. Babylon 5 is not the only area of life that suffers from inferior merchandise.

You want B5 minis of a certain quality or aesthetic pleasure, only buy those ones that meet your criteria, either the company in question will catch on, or they'll go out of buisiness. ewither way you either stop being 'punished' wwith bad minis or you get good ones. Win/win.

You may not like the arguement, but it is true, if you don't like it don't buy it. Feel free to let the company know what and why you don't like it, but noone, I hope, has you at gunpoint to buy stuff you don't like.

going slightly off the topic of minis and onto Vorlons themsleves there is one other big piece of evicence for them having physical bodies. In the pilot episode Kosh is POISONED by a contact skin tab (and its specified as a chemical poison not some wierd disruptive energy). That implies that Vorlons DO have physical biological bodies. Perhaps they can shift it to a sort of enerygry like state or break off their consciousness but they ARE physical beings at haert.

As to the miniatures, sure theyre a little on thin side but I quite like them personally. I don't play the RPG at the moment but if I did I'd probably buy them just for the sake of HAVING some Vorlons (though frankly I dont know WHAT sort of pary you would have to be playing to need 6 Volrons! (We tend to only use miniatures for combat in our RPGs and ONE Vorlon is pretty much a death sentence to anything short of shadows. 6 is just insane :p)
lastbesthope said:
nanite said:
Why should I be punished with substandard minis just because I like Babylon 5? :roll:

If you were joking then ignore this comment but if not.....

You are not being punished. Babylon 5 is not the only area of life that suffers from inferior merchandise.

You want B5 minis of a certain quality or aesthetic pleasure, only buy those ones that meet your criteria, either the company in question will catch on, or they'll go out of buisiness. ewither way you either stop being 'punished' wwith bad minis or you get good ones. Win/win.

You may not like the arguement, but it is true, if you don't like it don't buy it. Feel free to let the company know what and why you don't like it, but noone, I hope, has you at gunpoint to buy stuff you don't like.


The problem is there are only have so many chances for Babylon 5 miniatures. The first ones, from Harlequin, are pushing 10 years old, and they were lousy. Now we have Mongoose setting the bar even lower. How long do I have to wait for Babylon 5 miniatures that aren't embarrassing?
Mongoose should consider making a new single Vorlon model, made to a very high standard. I'm sure it would sell alot. :)