Paranoifying other games


There have always been a variety of online games available to the general public, but occasionally I stumble onto a game that lends itself thematically to the PARANOIA experience.

One such game is Nexus War. Nexus War is a browser-based mmorpg wherein characters and their factions vie for control over territory and power throughout several planes of existence. Death is no issue as characters simply re-spawn in different bodies throughout the course of the game. "Factions" very easily become "sectors" or "secret societies" or "enemy complexes", and getting killed painfully and in a variety of ways is a natural side effect of both games.

A number of us from have banded together to create a PARANOIA faction (here and here) and anyone who is interested in playing is welcome to join us.

My goal with this post is not *just* to shamelessly plug our gaming faction, but is also an invitation for anyone else to share online games that they feel would easily bend to the will of PARANOIA.

Mostly it's all about the plug, though. :wink: