Have any of you ever run a game that included (either at the beginning or later) telepaths with a rating higher than P12? If so how did you run it? Was it simply the numerical value with which you figure success is larger or does being P13+ change you? Give you access to new abilities? Let you see deeper than ever before? Send your ranges through the roof?
I was considering offering someone who made it to such a touted lvl access to any written telepathic prestige class (Teek, Precog...) without any of the standard downsides... so the development of Telekinetic abilities could happen after creation and without that oh-so-negative insanity thing happening.
Opinions and experience appreciated
Hmmm, oh and a player is interested in trying a technomage but Im wondering about compatibility with the current system..... has anyone yet tried to mesh the 1st ed Technomages with the 2nd ed system? Are the differences so minor as to be ignored or easily dealt with? If you encountered or preconcieve of any problems could you share them with me (It's been a while since I've read the book so I'm not pulling up any factlets right now)?
LOL, hmmm again thank you all
I was considering offering someone who made it to such a touted lvl access to any written telepathic prestige class (Teek, Precog...) without any of the standard downsides... so the development of Telekinetic abilities could happen after creation and without that oh-so-negative insanity thing happening.
Opinions and experience appreciated

Hmmm, oh and a player is interested in trying a technomage but Im wondering about compatibility with the current system..... has anyone yet tried to mesh the 1st ed Technomages with the 2nd ed system? Are the differences so minor as to be ignored or easily dealt with? If you encountered or preconcieve of any problems could you share them with me (It's been a while since I've read the book so I'm not pulling up any factlets right now)?
LOL, hmmm again thank you all