Out Of My mind Games: Ships of Gold


Cosmic Mongoose
Ships of gold is live on rpgdrivethru

STARSHIPS: Lifeblood of Trade
Starships, the life blood of interstellar commerce and communications. One of the defining characteristics of a major power is the ability to independently design, construct and operate starships. These advanced marvels of modern engineering transport goods, passengers, and information across vast distances.

In addition, the starship is the first line of defence, protecting the holdings, and interests of the powers that construct them. Without a powerful fleet, and fleets of scouts, and patrol craft a society is at the mercy of those who posses any form of armed starships.

Whether it is a simple, slow moving cargo hauler or a sleek and powerful frigate starships are complex and expensive machines. Power systems, drives, computers, and life support systems that are the leading edge of a worlds technological expertise. The Power systems and computers of a battered decades old tramp freighter are sufficient to run small cities, and coordinate an entire factory complex. This complexity, and reliability have a price, resources, time and technical skill beyond that of the average vehicle.

Despite the importance, and technological sophistication the Starship seldom receives a second glance on advanced worlds, they have simply become an accepted part of life. The sophants who operate these vessels are both respected for their professional skill, and somewhat looked down on at the same time. Their skills are invaluable, however the lifestyle, and popular image of the hard drinking, drifter always on the move with no loyalties to anyone but to his ship, has been popularised in media. Drawing disdain, and suspicion from many. Like the vessels they operate the spacer sometimes is overlooked, and under appreciated by the society they make possible.

This supplement is focused on the day to day working vessel of space, neither glamourous, or fear-inspiring, they are key to maintaining far flung colonies, supplying the teeming populations of core worlds, and carrying the materials or war the warships need to operate.

A collection of Starships, Small craft hardware, NPCs, Adventure Seeds, Game use suggestions, art, and deck plans for the Cephius system.


it features:
Full color illlustrations
Rules and Stats for Utility pods to expand you ships capabilities
Rules and stats for Automated transport and cargo drones
Rules for competitive racing between small craft, and larger vessels if so inclined. Including sample race boats.
Dropships, utility transport, assault transport, and heavy lift.

A variety of small starships, ranging from a basic 200 ton, to a massive 2000 tons general purpose commercial transport.
Thank you good sir. Truth be told I am more excited that someone other than my gaming group might get to play around with the toys I created.