Emperor Mongoose
Orbital Fortress "Rubber Ball" class.
A heavily armoured and reinforced planetoid with J-1 and M-1. It can launch 21000 torpedoes per round (each double salvo can destroy up to 5 battleships). It has a large (68 kT) cargo hold for spare parts, to be able to repair battle damage.
The idea is to sit in orbit around a world or gas giant. If a small enemy force tries to refuel we can destroy it. If a too large enemy force threaten to destroy us, we jump out to a prepared fuel cache, refuel and jump back in. This way it would take an enemy at least a BatRon on permanent station to keep the refuelling point open.
It costs like perhaps half a BatRon, but would tie down at least an enemy BatRon trying to occupy our worlds. With enough tanker support it could jump after an offensive fleet to fortify occupied planets.
It can jump with a two of J-1 drop tanks and has J-1 fuel internally, so can jump out, leave a drop tank, and jump back in, hence set up its own deep space fuel caches. With torpedoes in the hold, it can set up deep space ammo dumps.
It carries 100 medium fighters and 50 jump capable scouts to widen its sensor net and project a little force beyond torpedo range.
A heavily armoured and reinforced planetoid with J-1 and M-1. It can launch 21000 torpedoes per round (each double salvo can destroy up to 5 battleships). It has a large (68 kT) cargo hold for spare parts, to be able to repair battle damage.
The idea is to sit in orbit around a world or gas giant. If a small enemy force tries to refuel we can destroy it. If a too large enemy force threaten to destroy us, we jump out to a prepared fuel cache, refuel and jump back in. This way it would take an enemy at least a BatRon on permanent station to keep the refuelling point open.
It costs like perhaps half a BatRon, but would tie down at least an enemy BatRon trying to occupy our worlds. With enough tanker support it could jump after an offensive fleet to fortify occupied planets.
It can jump with a two of J-1 drop tanks and has J-1 fuel internally, so can jump out, leave a drop tank, and jump back in, hence set up its own deep space fuel caches. With torpedoes in the hold, it can set up deep space ammo dumps.
TL 15 Hull 900 000 545 851,6
Desired ∆TL Rat # dTon Cost Power
Hull 1000000 1 000 000 200 000
Config Planetoid 6 6 200 000 4 000
Hull strength Reinforced 3 3
Armour Bonded Superdense 99 13 104 000 4 160
Rad Shielding 1 1 25 000
Repair Drones 1 1 10 000 2 000
Fleet Trait: Hardened 100% 1 1 127 380
JumpD Budget 1 -0 1 1 31 837 35 817 160 000
ManœuvreD Budget 1 -0 1 1 12 733 19 099 160 000
PowerP (TL12) High Technology 3 1 23 333 35 000 500 000
Emergency Power 1 1 2 333 3 500
External Load 260 688 dT 2
Drop Tank Collar 126 069 dT 2 2 1 1 009 504
Drop Tanks 126 069 dT 3 152
Fuel, Jump 1 1 1 126 000
Fuel, Power 4 4 w 1 2 334
Fuel Purification 168 h 168 h 1 900 46 900
Command Bridge 3 3 240 22 500
Holographic 1 1 5 625
Comp CORE/100/fib 99 2 100 1 195
Backup Comp CORE/90/fib 19 2 90 1 180
Software, All 184
Sensors Advanced 9 4 3 15 16 6
Array Distributed 9 3 1 30 32
Extension Net 9 1 1 10 000 10 000
Signal Processing Enhanced 9 2 3 6 24 2
Shallow Pen Suite 9 3 30 15 3
Countermeasures Military 9 2 3 45 84 2
Staterooms, Luxury 10 10 100 15
Staterooms, High 100 100 600 80
Staterooms 100% 8282 8172 32 688 4 086
Escape Capsules 1 16564 8 282 331
Common Areas 25% 25% 1 8 347 835
Low Berths 100 100 1 50 5 10
Briefing Room 10 10 40 5
Library 10 10 40 40
Medical Bay 10% of crew 1 302 1 208 604 302
Workshop 10 10 60 9
Armoury 1 900 900 225
Marine Training Facilities 120 120 240 48 240
Brig 10 10 40 3
Cargo 68 058
UNREP 60 60 60 30
Large Bay
Torpedo High Technology 700 3 TL12 700 245 000 31 500 17 500
Torpedoes 21 000 / round 12 42 000
Pulse Laser Very Advanced 1500 2 TL11 1500 1 500 7 125 19 500
Point Defence Type III, Advanced 5000 1 5000 90 000 110 000 150 000
Screen Meson,Very Adv 2000 2 2000 16 000 50 000 60 000
Hangar 20 dT 25 25 1 000 200
Docking Clamp 36 dT 100 100 500 100
Docking Clamp 100 dT 50 50 500 100
Crew 15000
Command 1364
Bridge 100
Pilot 3
Astrogator 1
Sensor & EW 96
Engineer 3941
Engineer 1940
Maintenance 2000
Service 1115
Admin 1000
Medic 114
Steward 1
Gunner 6930
Flight 350
Troops 1200
High 0
Mid 100
Low 0