Oi - It's Minbari, Not Kilrathi!

That's right. LIDAR systems are under development by the US navy, as it has certain advantages over RADAR.
LIDAR isn't useful for wide-ranging scanning, like RADAR is, because of the direct nature of the beams. But if you spot an incomer with RADAR, then lock him up with LIDAR, you can then shut down your active RADAR, thus NOT telling all and sundry your exact location. LIDAR, being absolutely directional, doesn't have scatter lobes; it doesn't tell anyone where you are, but theoretically you can stillue it to vector in your interceptors.
LIDAR will tell someone where you are, if they can detect the very small beam, which is far less likely so it would be more stellthy in that regard.

Any active system can be tracked back to source.

Semi active is the half way house, like Sea Wolf, an anti air missile used by the UK Royal Navy. The radar is emitted from the ship and the reflections are captured by a receiver on the missile seeker.

Wing Commander was a Carrier movie, and Sub movie in the same film ((I have always love space depth charges)) and come on...they push a fighter off the deck of the carrier IN SPACE, and it falls DOWN!

Nothing compared to hand-loading a torpedo broadside and firing it at visual range

yeah the WC movie sure had some fun scense :D