I have a question for Mongoose. I was reading the decleration of Open Gane Content for Lone Wolf and noticed that 'boxed story text, character names, and character advancement and creation rules' are NOT open. What I found interesting was that place names was left out of this.
Does this mean other publishers can potentially produce and sell Lone Wolf material, set on Magnamund?
Also - the fiction thread earlier had me wondering this: Does this mean that, due to the fact the world is effectively open content, that one could write and market fiction based on Magnamund?
If so, this could be a bounty for all of us fans, as we could see a very steady supply of LW material from whoever cares to make it.
Does this mean other publishers can potentially produce and sell Lone Wolf material, set on Magnamund?
Also - the fiction thread earlier had me wondering this: Does this mean that, due to the fact the world is effectively open content, that one could write and market fiction based on Magnamund?
If so, this could be a bounty for all of us fans, as we could see a very steady supply of LW material from whoever cares to make it.