OGL Ancients Material


I'd love to see sourcebooks and campaign information for the more historical side of OGL Ancients. Perhaps a city book or module, done in the manner of Shadizar for the Conan RPG, detailing ancient Memphis, or the Late Period of Egyptian history turned into a campaign setting.

Anything of this nature on the horizon?


Perhaps a Persian War campaign -- march with Xerxes or stand with Leonidas -- or a supplement detailing the Spartan King Agesilaos' campaigns in Asia Minor. All that would be very cool ;)

I like the Late Period, especially the 26th dynasty, because you have Greeks in Egypt fighting the Persians. A little something for everybody . . .

Me I am more a fan of mythic Greece. But I also appreciate Xena and Hercules, even with their anachronism (with Caesar and the Troyan war at the same time).
after seeing trailer for 300 Leonidas is my new hero 2487 years after then event its still talked about???? you know you are the shi# then.