Newbie Questions


Guys, just getting back into ACTA and have take the plunge with a Fed fleet. Just have some questions.

1. Is there a quick reference sheet anywhere
2. Are there any special action counters available
3. Where can I get those stickers, for arcs that people seem to be using on bases.
4. Any advice on assembling a Constitution class, I'm having real issues gluing the Narcells to the body, it is an all metal kit but I'm struggling even with a two part epoxy resin glue?

Cheers for your time.
Roguetrooper said:
Guys, just getting back into ACTA and have take the plunge with a Fed fleet. Just have some questions.
Welcome back

1. Is there a quick reference sheet anywhere
There are several available, but in my opinion, This One by James Kerr is the best one available.
2. Are there any special action counters available
Again, several exist - but These! are my favorites.
3. Where can I get those stickers, for arcs that people seem to be using on bases.[/url]
Several people have created their own, and many of them share the files for others to print / use on their own minis. William Stec [billclodude at comcast dot net] had a local graphics company do the artwork for a set and then had them printed on adhesive vinyl. He sells them at a very reasonale price.
4. Any advice on assembling a Constitution class, I'm having real issues gluing the Narcells to the body, it is an all metal kit but I'm struggling even with a two part epoxy resin glue?
Everyone has their own method, but I tend to go for the "two-glue" method.
I use a two-part epoxy for the bulk of the joint - but then use a small dot of superglue on each end.
The super-glue sets quickly and holds the parts in place until the epoxy sets.
Cheers Scoutdad, the 2 glue method worked, just in time as the Constitution classes maiden voyage was going to be when I launched it across the dining room :twisted:

The downloads look great, would have thought that Mongoose themselves would have squared those away.