I skimmed through the forums looking errata and clarifications. Here is what I came up with. Enjoy.
Thanks to everyone who participated in these discussions.
Note: New items are now marked with a red asterix
Mongoose Errata/Answers
:?: Massive damage. One area of the rules says that if you fail your save you're reduced to -1 hps. Another are says that if you fail your save you die. Which is correct?
:?: Under the racial description of the Khitan, it says he gets a bonus feat that must be selected at level 1, and the character must meet the prerequisites. The list to chose from includes any sorcery feat, but all the sorcery feats have prerequisits that make them impossible to be taken at level 1. Is this an oversight, am I missing something, or am I to assume there will be new, easier to get sorcery feats in an upcoming product?
:?: OK, I noticed in the Combat Chapter, Movement Section (sorry, no pg no but my book is at home) there's mention of Barbarians having +10' movement when wearing no armor, yet under the Barbarian section there's no mention of this at all.
What's correct? I hope that Barb's don't get the extra movement -- they're quite nasty as it is already and if you want a fast Barb then there's a feat for that!
:?: there is the formula on pg 80 that states that there is BONUS skill points and the example given is 4*INT bonus = 12. These points can be spent on any skill on a 1:1 basis.
This is mentioned NO where else. Am I missing something, or is that how skill points are derived. If this is clarified somewhere else please let me know where.
:?: I know who to calculate SP for the classes BUT I see a line on page 80 that calculates BONUS skill points.
:?: The benefits/requirements section of the Hyrkanian/Turanian religion entry is completely missing from the book! Any help apreciated, as I've got a Hyrkanian PC who needs this info!
:?: Were you originally intending to include Rogues as a PC class? If so, was it to be separate from the Thief, or did the Thief supplant it?
:?: I'm baffled by the Parry Roll reference as well (I find 2 in the Manuvers section -- Hooking Parry & Sundering Parry) and would like some clarification.
:?: Where is the spiked Chain?
:?: Could somebody clarify Dodge/PArry modifiers. I had read that Parry would be fully used if one had a open square behind the character to "go with the blow" this does not seem to be the case. IT also states that if you Dodge with out a open or friendly 5' square you receive only a -2 to your DV, this doesn't seem right.
And furthermore, in the example given on page page 187 cites a -4 circumstance penalty since Lyle has no room to manoeuvre while he is dodging. So is the example on page 187 correct or the text on page 160 correct?
:?: Why are swords so expensive?
:?: Are Hyrkanian archers really better at longer ranges?
:?: Power attack is the 3.5 version. two handed weapons do 2 points of damage for every one you subtract from BAB.
Monster slayer says that you, when using power attack and are attacking large creatures, add 2 points of damage for every one point you subtract from BAB, damage cannot exceed your BAB.
What if you are using a two handed sword and have power attack and monster slayer. If you have a BAB of 10 does this mean you can only drop it by 5 and do an extra 20 points of damage. (10 points from power attack, and 10 points from monster slayer), or does this mean you can drop BAB 10 points and do an extra 30 points of damage (20 from power attack, and 10 from monster slayer)
:?: Also I could not find a reference to the meaning of the vampires type (undead.) Creature types in general don't seem to be discussed. Should I reference the 3.5 SRD?
:?: Does the defensive blast affect every creature in 10 foot radius around the sorcerer invoking it? Is the sorcerer affected by his own blast? The wording is not clear.
:?: Profession lists the weekly wage earned in gold pieces instead of silver.
:?: Spellcraft is mentioned in the Knowledge (Arcana) skill's synergy bonus section, but not listed as a skill choice.
:?: Perform (Ritual) is listed as a background skill for Stygians, yet there is no such subskill listed or explained under the Perform skill. Of what value is Perform (Ritual)? It does not apear as a prerequisite to any spell. What should replace it for Stygians if it is worthless and an error?
:?: Prestidigitation sorcery style's first spell, Conjuring, has a prerequisite of Sleight of Hand 4 ranks, yet this skill is not on the Scholar list. The book says The Black Ring of Stygia teaches this sorcery style and spell at 2nd level to their acolytes, but unless these acolytes already have several levels in thief (doubtful, since they recruit from their land's noble class, not the bottom of the social ladder), or unless the acolytes magically have known they should be dumping skill points on a cross class skill they probably have no other use for, they could not possibly meet the prerequisites to learn this spell, which must be learned before any others in the sorcery style. Solution: Add Sleight of Hand to Scholar class skill list or remove Sleight of Hand as a prerequisite.
:?: Where is the Conan character sheet?
:?: I noticed that the statistics for the Man-Ape in Preview 2 was missing a Challenge Rating value. Was this a misprint? If it was intentional, how is experience calculated in the Conan game? And how do you calculate a challenge level for a given scenario?
FAN Errata/Answers
* :?: On the chart for class/cross-class skills on p85, the following text appears: "Class Skill, and you gain 2 ranks in this skill at 1st level, then 1/2 a rank in this skill each level therafter, always before spending any of your own skill points." Can this be correct?
:?: If you successful Bluff your opponents in conjunction with the Striking Cobra feat, how long are they flat-footed before getting to react, 1 full-round or 1 surprise round (which would only allow one attack or move action)?
:?: What good is Perform Ritual?
:?: Martial, 2-H melee, is War Sword finesse?
Unanswered Questions
:?: When using a weapon 2-handed (Bardiche), do you add 1.5 of strength to the AP or just the normal strength. EX. 18 strength +4 using a bardiche 2 handed. Is it AP 11 or AP 9?
I don't know if this was answered elsewhere and the book says Strength modifier on p163. Does this mean just the modifier or the modified modifier?
:?: There are two ghanata knives depicted, one on p. 137 and the other on p.138. The first (and more ornate of the two) is obviously mislabeled. Which weapon is it? The zhaibar knife?
:?: The text gives a player a +2 bonus to Reputation for having a Code of Honour but the table gives +1. Which is correct?
:?: The text for the feat Wheel of Death has different prereq than the table.
:?: What is the two weapon combat proficency? Is this saying that some classes get the Two Weapon Combat Feat for free?
:?: The Intricate Swordplay feat on p120 lists "Rapier" under prerequisites, but the benefit section then only mentions arming swords and broad swords. Rapiers didn't make it onto the equipment tables, so should this reference simply be ignored--or should rapiers be added to both the benefit section of this feat, and to the weapon tables? If so, what would the stats be? Also, if included, what would the implications be for Zingarans? Is the rapier even canonical--I can't recall?
:?: I've found a problem with 'Devastating Sweep.' The maneuver has Whirlwind Attack as a pre-requisite, but the book does not include Whirlwind Attack. Is the prerequisite in error, or was Whirlwind Attack left out of the book in error?
:?: The chart on p 134 lists unarmed damage as 1d4. Under combat on p 166 it id 1d3
:?: The Reputation table (3-17: Reputation Effects) is badly messed up on page 78.
:?: Under the rules for cover it mentions judging it by line of effect, which is never covered anywhere in the book that I've found so far.
:?: The Skills by Class table differs from the text of the Class skills section for some of the classes. the table removes Move Silently and Listen from the Scholar's class skills and adds Sleight of Hand. Barbarian - remove Bluff and Perform from class skills. Noble - remove Hide from class skills. Soldier - remove Jump from class skils. Borderer - same as text. Nomad - same as text. Pirate - same as text.
:?: Table 4-3, column headers on second page would be nice. Several discrepancies from class descriptions as pointed out above.
:?: p85: Synergy - Table 4-5 does not exist.
:?: p88: Concentration table - footnote 1, should say PP cost instead of level of spell. Footnotes 3&4 change acid arrow & storm of vengeance spell references. Suggest agonising doom to replace acid arrow
:?: p89: Concentration (Special) - "(plus the PP cost of the spell..."
:?: p89: Concentration (Special) - delete reference to Combat Casting
:?: p91: Craft(herbalism) Example - should be +12 for rolling twelve above the DC.
:?: p92: Decipher Script (Synergy) - suggest changing Use Magic Device to Knowledge (arcana)
:?: p93-94: Disguise (Try Again) - references to several spells that do not exist.
:?: p94: Escape Artist (Action & Table) - references to several spells that do not exist
:?: p95: Forgery (Restriction) - should read character, rather than barbarian, as literacy is determined by race, not class
:?: p96: column 1, near bottom - delete reference to "riding dogs"
:?: p100: Knowledge - delete Knowledge(the planes) as it seems to be included in (arcana). Personally, I'd include (dungeoneering) in (geography) or (nature). Under Synergy, there is no Spellcraft skill. Synergy bonus to Craft (herbalism) for Knowledge(nature) is omitted.
:?: p101: Move silently (Special) - delete reference to "cat familiar."
:?: p102: Perform - Ritual category is missing
:?: Perform (Chart DC10) - copper pieces do not exist in Equipment chapter. Suggest 1d4 quarters.
:?: p104: SLIGHT OF HAND means something else entirely
:?: p106: Survival (Synergy) - suggest deleting reference to travelling to other planes
:?: p107: Use Rope (Special) - reference to animate rope spell.
:?: P4 Introduction – meadowland city states are in the west not in the east as listed. The desert is in east not the west as listed.
:?: P9 The abilities – strength has no reference to parry value (DV)
:?: P10 – Dexterity bonus refers to Defense value instead of dodge value (DV)
:?: P10 – intelligence – reference to ‘spellcraft’ – needs removing
:?: P10 – charisma – reference to ‘use magic device’ – needs removing
:?: P11 – lifting any carrying – should be ‘loses any bonus to defence..’ not dexterity bonus. I fail to see how you could parry or dodge while carrying this load.
:?: P12 movement run (x4) last 18 words re ‘riot gear & tactical body armour’ need removing.
:?: P14 – light sources chart – ‘light stick’ ‘oil lantern’ ‘flood-light lantern’ do not appear in the game. Also is candle lantern the same as lantern?
:?: P16 – background skills example refers to profession (sailor), survival, perform (dance) then suddenly profession (sailor), survival, move silently. Move silently needs to be changed to perform (dance).
:?: P18 names – suggest dropping brian from the list. Brian the Cimmerian – come on guys?
:?: P21 aquilonia – column 1 para 3 line 4 missing the word have
:?: P41-67 class features, weapon and armour proficiency – ‘Note that armour check penalties for wearing medium or heavy armour apply to…’ this should read ‘Note that armour check penalties for wearing armour apply to…’ only quilted jerkin has no armour check penalty.
:?: p134 chart has war spear as doing 2d4 damage, p143 chart has it doing 1d12, and example p141 has it as a d8
:?: p161. at top of page "saving throw modifier" is defined as "Base save bonus + ability modifier", at bottom of page Initiative check includes "Reflex save modifier" and "Dexterity modifier". Is Dexterity meant to be included in initiative twice?
If you successful Bluff your opponents in conjunction with the Striking Cobra feat, how long are they flat-footed before getting to react, 1 full-round or 1 surprise round (which would only allow one attack or move action)?
Thanks to everyone who participated in these discussions.
Note: New items are now marked with a red asterix
Mongoose Errata/Answers
:?: Massive damage. One area of the rules says that if you fail your save you're reduced to -1 hps. Another are says that if you fail your save you die. Which is correct?
MongoosePaul said:If a character fails his massive damage check he is dead, unless he spends a fate point, in which case he's 'left for dead'.
:?: Under the racial description of the Khitan, it says he gets a bonus feat that must be selected at level 1, and the character must meet the prerequisites. The list to chose from includes any sorcery feat, but all the sorcery feats have prerequisits that make them impossible to be taken at level 1. Is this an oversight, am I missing something, or am I to assume there will be new, easier to get sorcery feats in an upcoming product?
MongoosePaul said:There will be more sorcery feats in future supplements but in this instance I'd allow the character to ignore the +1 magic attack bonus minimum. Same with dodge, bonus, Bab etc.
:?: OK, I noticed in the Combat Chapter, Movement Section (sorry, no pg no but my book is at home) there's mention of Barbarians having +10' movement when wearing no armor, yet under the Barbarian section there's no mention of this at all.
What's correct? I hope that Barb's don't get the extra movement -- they're quite nasty as it is already and if you want a fast Barb then there's a feat for that!
MongoosePaul said:They don't have the +10 and if they want it they can take the feat for it.
:?: there is the formula on pg 80 that states that there is BONUS skill points and the example given is 4*INT bonus = 12. These points can be spent on any skill on a 1:1 basis.
This is mentioned NO where else. Am I missing something, or is that how skill points are derived. If this is clarified somewhere else please let me know where.
MongoosePaul said:If you read the second paragraph of the skills chapter it should become clearer.
In essence, in Conan your class-derived skill points are restricted to your class skills. Skillpoints gained for a high intelligence can be spent on any skill without penalty (treating all skills as class skills for those points).
:?: I know who to calculate SP for the classes BUT I see a line on page 80 that calculates BONUS skill points.
MongoosePaul said:Bonus skill points are those gained from a high intelligence.
:?: The benefits/requirements section of the Hyrkanian/Turanian religion entry is completely missing from the book! Any help apreciated, as I've got a Hyrkanian PC who needs this info!
MongoosePaul said:Requirements of Worship: Pay a tithe worth 1 sp/level/month.
Benefits of Worship: Atonement, Faith
Requirements for Ordained Priesthood: Knowledge (religion) 6 ranks.
Benefits of Ordained Priesthood: Standard plus as follows: sorcery teaching available (Divinations and Nature magic only).
Typical Punishments for Disloyal Priests: Cast out of the temple.
:?: Were you originally intending to include Rogues as a PC class? If so, was it to be separate from the Thief, or did the Thief supplant it?
MongoosePaul said:Thief supplanted it
:?: I'm baffled by the Parry Roll reference as well (I find 2 in the Manuvers section -- Hooking Parry & Sundering Parry) and would like some clarification.
MongoosePaul said:Parry roll was an old reference - parry is static (if you wanted to include the roll, then you can allow players to make a 1d20 roll for parrying or dodging instead of acting on the base 10, all other modifiers apply.
:?: Where is the spiked Chain?
MongoosePaul said:The weapons included are those that feature in Conan stories - Spiked Chain's deliberately not there. You might also note that weapons statistics differ from 'classic' d20 fantasy.
:?: Could somebody clarify Dodge/PArry modifiers. I had read that Parry would be fully used if one had a open square behind the character to "go with the blow" this does not seem to be the case. IT also states that if you Dodge with out a open or friendly 5' square you receive only a -2 to your DV, this doesn't seem right.
And furthermore, in the example given on page page 187 cites a -4 circumstance penalty since Lyle has no room to manoeuvre while he is dodging. So is the example on page 187 correct or the text on page 160 correct?
MongoosePaul said:Parry roll was an old reference - parry is static (if you wanted to include the roll, then you can allow players to make a 1d20 roll for parrying or dodging instead of acting on the base 10, all other modifiers apply.
Dodging without an open space nearby to facilitate movement from blows imposes a -2 penalty, the example is wrong.
:?: Why are swords so expensive?
MongoosePaul said:Swords are deliberately more expensive - it costs more to forge a sword than to make an axe head.
:?: Are Hyrkanian archers really better at longer ranges?
MongoosePaul said:Hyrkanian archery: Yes, as the text says they are better at long range shots than short range shots.
:?: Power attack is the 3.5 version. two handed weapons do 2 points of damage for every one you subtract from BAB.
Monster slayer says that you, when using power attack and are attacking large creatures, add 2 points of damage for every one point you subtract from BAB, damage cannot exceed your BAB.
What if you are using a two handed sword and have power attack and monster slayer. If you have a BAB of 10 does this mean you can only drop it by 5 and do an extra 20 points of damage. (10 points from power attack, and 10 points from monster slayer), or does this mean you can drop BAB 10 points and do an extra 30 points of damage (20 from power attack, and 10 from monster slayer)
MongoosePaul said:When using Monster slayer and Power attack with a one-handed weapon, you gain a 2-for-1 ratio.
When using both feats with a two-handed sword, your second example would be correct, however, your damage bonus cannot exceed your total BAB.
:?: Also I could not find a reference to the meaning of the vampires type (undead.) Creature types in general don't seem to be discussed. Should I reference the 3.5 SRD?
MongoosePaul said:Types aren't really important in Conan, beyond demons in some cases and abominations (Scrolls of Skelos). I left them in to make it easier for those wanting to convert other creatures but they're not required as they are in D&D.
:?: Does the defensive blast affect every creature in 10 foot radius around the sorcerer invoking it? Is the sorcerer affected by his own blast? The wording is not clear.
MongoosePaul said:'Any creature within 10 feet of the sorcerer'. So, yes it effects every creature within 10 feet of the sorcerer, no it does not effect the sorcerer invoking the power.
:?: Profession lists the weekly wage earned in gold pieces instead of silver.
MongoosePaul said:Profession should be in SP.
:?: Spellcraft is mentioned in the Knowledge (Arcana) skill's synergy bonus section, but not listed as a skill choice.
MongoosePaul said:Spellcraft was removed, no synergy bonus for Knowledge (Arcana)
:?: Perform (Ritual) is listed as a background skill for Stygians, yet there is no such subskill listed or explained under the Perform skill. Of what value is Perform (Ritual)? It does not apear as a prerequisite to any spell. What should replace it for Stygians if it is worthless and an error?
MongoosePaul said:Perform (Ritual) is a skill for Stygians but will be featured in more depth in a future supplement - for now treat it like any other perform skill.
:?: Prestidigitation sorcery style's first spell, Conjuring, has a prerequisite of Sleight of Hand 4 ranks, yet this skill is not on the Scholar list. The book says The Black Ring of Stygia teaches this sorcery style and spell at 2nd level to their acolytes, but unless these acolytes already have several levels in thief (doubtful, since they recruit from their land's noble class, not the bottom of the social ladder), or unless the acolytes magically have known they should be dumping skill points on a cross class skill they probably have no other use for, they could not possibly meet the prerequisites to learn this spell, which must be learned before any others in the sorcery style. Solution: Add Sleight of Hand to Scholar class skill list or remove Sleight of Hand as a prerequisite.
MongoosePaul said:Prestidigitation is correct. Those who wish to take Conjuring have to take cross-class skills in sleight of hand. Given the acolytes are being trained then they'd know to practice their fingerwork.
:?: Where is the Conan character sheet?
MongoosePaul said:We have three sets of Stats for Conan.
Conan the thief (early) - Road of Kings
Conan the Reaver (from his time as Amra the Lion) - Pirate Isles
King Conan (Hour of the Dragon) - Road of Kings
Between the supplements, Signs and Portents and the website, nearly all the principal characters from the original stories will be depicted - either as they are at the default setting of the game (While Conan is King), or at the time of their appearance (in many cases shortly before their death).
:?: I noticed that the statistics for the Man-Ape in Preview 2 was missing a Challenge Rating value. Was this a misprint? If it was intentional, how is experience calculated in the Conan game? And how do you calculate a challenge level for a given scenario?
MongoosePaul said:No it's not a misprint, creatures in Conan aren't given CRs.
Experience is awarded by the GM on a sessional and accomplishment basis. In essence, unlike D&D the reward mechanism is more narrative driven.
As for calculating the challenge level, it's made more flexible for GMs than in standard d20/
FAN Errata/Answers
* :?: On the chart for class/cross-class skills on p85, the following text appears: "Class Skill, and you gain 2 ranks in this skill at 1st level, then 1/2 a rank in this skill each level therafter, always before spending any of your own skill points." Can this be correct?
Vincent Darlage said:That is a left-over from early stages of playtesting. Ignore it. Although you could use that method of skill generation if you are playing a game with one Player and one GM to make the character more self sufficient.
:?: If you successful Bluff your opponents in conjunction with the Striking Cobra feat, how long are they flat-footed before getting to react, 1 full-round or 1 surprise round (which would only allow one attack or move action)?
MightyCthulhu said:As I read it:
Striking Cobra makes them flat footed and negates any readied action and lets you act in a "special" surprise round wherein you can take a FULL action. IIRC the d20 SRD says you usually get only a partial action during a surprise round.
I presume this implies that they are flat footed until they get their action in the following round.
Daxz said:Page 62: New Sorcery Style, It refers to you Table 8-2 for the new sorcery styles but Table 8-2 is actually about Runaway Magic. The New Sorcery Styles Table is 8-3.
:?: What good is Perform Ritual?
JamesMishler said:One of the main uses of Perform (ritual) is detailed on page 190, under Power Rituals, in which at least 20% of the performers of the ritual must possess the Perform (ritual) skill, as opposed to one of the more general variants of the general Perform skill. This presumes there is a small core group of the ritual participants performing the magic ritual, while the other performers are providing their "psychic energies" by singing, dancing, chanting, or what have you.
Scott said:Decipher Script mentions granting a synergy bonus to the Use Magic Device skill, which does not seem to exist in the Conan RPG.
Gorden the Pict said:P4 Introduction – meadowland city states are in the west not in the east as listed. The desert is in east not the west as listed.
P9 The abilities – strength has no reference to parry value (DV)
P10 – Dexterity bonus refers to Defense value instead of dodge value (DV)
P10 – intelligence – reference to ‘spellcraft’ – needs removing
P10 – charisma – reference to ‘use magic device’ – needs removing
P11 – lifting any carrying – should be ‘loses any bonus to defence..’ not dexterity bonus. I fail to see how you could parry or dodge while carrying this load.
P12 movement run (x4) last 18 words re ‘riot gear & tactical body armour’ need removing.
P14 – light sources chart – ‘light stick’ ‘oil lantern’ ‘flood-light lantern’ do not appear in the game. Also is candle lantern the same as lantern?
P16 – background skills example refers to profession (sailor), survival, perform (dance) then suddenly profession (sailor), survival, move silently. Move silently needs to be changed to perform (dance).
P18 names – suggest dropping brian from the list. Brian the Cimmerian – come on guys?
P21 aquilonia – column 1 para 3 line 4 missing the word have
P41-67 class features, weapon and armour proficiency – ‘Note that armour check penalties for wearing medium or heavy armour apply to…’ this should read ‘Note that armour check penalties for wearing armour apply to…’ only quilted jerkin has no armour check penalty.
Guest said:Actually, the Run feat was included in the first official errata to 3.5
Nowadays, it should read:
Benefit: When running, you move five times your normal speed (if wearing medium, light, or no armor and carrying no more than a medium load) or four times your speed (if wearing heavy armor or carrying a heavy load).
If you make a jump after a running start (see the Jump skill description), you gain a +4 bonus on your Jump check. While running, you retain your Dexterity bonus to AC
Normal: You move four times your speed while running (if wearing medium, light, or no armor and carrying no more than a medium load) or three times your speed (if wearing heavy armor or carrying a heavy load), and you lose your Dexterity bonus to AC.
:?: Martial, 2-H melee, is War Sword finesse?
MightyCthulhu said:Mounted, 1 handed - Martial, Finesse
Mounted, 2 handed - Exotic
On Foot, 1 handed - Exotic
On Foot, 2 handed - Martial, Finesse (unlees I misread Paul's answer to my question.)
Unanswered Questions
:?: When using a weapon 2-handed (Bardiche), do you add 1.5 of strength to the AP or just the normal strength. EX. 18 strength +4 using a bardiche 2 handed. Is it AP 11 or AP 9?
I don't know if this was answered elsewhere and the book says Strength modifier on p163. Does this mean just the modifier or the modified modifier?
:?: There are two ghanata knives depicted, one on p. 137 and the other on p.138. The first (and more ornate of the two) is obviously mislabeled. Which weapon is it? The zhaibar knife?
:?: The text gives a player a +2 bonus to Reputation for having a Code of Honour but the table gives +1. Which is correct?
:?: The text for the feat Wheel of Death has different prereq than the table.
:?: What is the two weapon combat proficency? Is this saying that some classes get the Two Weapon Combat Feat for free?
:?: The Intricate Swordplay feat on p120 lists "Rapier" under prerequisites, but the benefit section then only mentions arming swords and broad swords. Rapiers didn't make it onto the equipment tables, so should this reference simply be ignored--or should rapiers be added to both the benefit section of this feat, and to the weapon tables? If so, what would the stats be? Also, if included, what would the implications be for Zingarans? Is the rapier even canonical--I can't recall?
:?: I've found a problem with 'Devastating Sweep.' The maneuver has Whirlwind Attack as a pre-requisite, but the book does not include Whirlwind Attack. Is the prerequisite in error, or was Whirlwind Attack left out of the book in error?
:?: The chart on p 134 lists unarmed damage as 1d4. Under combat on p 166 it id 1d3
:?: The Reputation table (3-17: Reputation Effects) is badly messed up on page 78.
:?: Under the rules for cover it mentions judging it by line of effect, which is never covered anywhere in the book that I've found so far.
:?: The Skills by Class table differs from the text of the Class skills section for some of the classes. the table removes Move Silently and Listen from the Scholar's class skills and adds Sleight of Hand. Barbarian - remove Bluff and Perform from class skills. Noble - remove Hide from class skills. Soldier - remove Jump from class skils. Borderer - same as text. Nomad - same as text. Pirate - same as text.
:?: Table 4-3, column headers on second page would be nice. Several discrepancies from class descriptions as pointed out above.
:?: p85: Synergy - Table 4-5 does not exist.
:?: p88: Concentration table - footnote 1, should say PP cost instead of level of spell. Footnotes 3&4 change acid arrow & storm of vengeance spell references. Suggest agonising doom to replace acid arrow
:?: p89: Concentration (Special) - "(plus the PP cost of the spell..."
:?: p89: Concentration (Special) - delete reference to Combat Casting
:?: p91: Craft(herbalism) Example - should be +12 for rolling twelve above the DC.
:?: p92: Decipher Script (Synergy) - suggest changing Use Magic Device to Knowledge (arcana)
:?: p93-94: Disguise (Try Again) - references to several spells that do not exist.
:?: p94: Escape Artist (Action & Table) - references to several spells that do not exist
:?: p95: Forgery (Restriction) - should read character, rather than barbarian, as literacy is determined by race, not class
:?: p96: column 1, near bottom - delete reference to "riding dogs"
:?: p100: Knowledge - delete Knowledge(the planes) as it seems to be included in (arcana). Personally, I'd include (dungeoneering) in (geography) or (nature). Under Synergy, there is no Spellcraft skill. Synergy bonus to Craft (herbalism) for Knowledge(nature) is omitted.
:?: p101: Move silently (Special) - delete reference to "cat familiar."
:?: p102: Perform - Ritual category is missing
:?: Perform (Chart DC10) - copper pieces do not exist in Equipment chapter. Suggest 1d4 quarters.
:?: p104: SLIGHT OF HAND means something else entirely
:?: p106: Survival (Synergy) - suggest deleting reference to travelling to other planes
:?: p107: Use Rope (Special) - reference to animate rope spell.
:?: P4 Introduction – meadowland city states are in the west not in the east as listed. The desert is in east not the west as listed.
:?: P9 The abilities – strength has no reference to parry value (DV)
:?: P10 – Dexterity bonus refers to Defense value instead of dodge value (DV)
:?: P10 – intelligence – reference to ‘spellcraft’ – needs removing
:?: P10 – charisma – reference to ‘use magic device’ – needs removing
:?: P11 – lifting any carrying – should be ‘loses any bonus to defence..’ not dexterity bonus. I fail to see how you could parry or dodge while carrying this load.
:?: P12 movement run (x4) last 18 words re ‘riot gear & tactical body armour’ need removing.
:?: P14 – light sources chart – ‘light stick’ ‘oil lantern’ ‘flood-light lantern’ do not appear in the game. Also is candle lantern the same as lantern?
:?: P16 – background skills example refers to profession (sailor), survival, perform (dance) then suddenly profession (sailor), survival, move silently. Move silently needs to be changed to perform (dance).
:?: P18 names – suggest dropping brian from the list. Brian the Cimmerian – come on guys?
:?: P21 aquilonia – column 1 para 3 line 4 missing the word have
:?: P41-67 class features, weapon and armour proficiency – ‘Note that armour check penalties for wearing medium or heavy armour apply to…’ this should read ‘Note that armour check penalties for wearing armour apply to…’ only quilted jerkin has no armour check penalty.
:?: p134 chart has war spear as doing 2d4 damage, p143 chart has it doing 1d12, and example p141 has it as a d8
Guest said:The chart on p134 is for normal weapons while the one on p143 is for Akbitanan weapons, hence the enhanced damage (see text on p142).
The example on p141 uses a primitive weapon, hence the lowered damage.
InsomNY said:Nope.
if you look at the descriptions for primitive weapons and akbitanan weapons, you'll see that in neither case does the damage change. it is specifically stated that the damage remains the same. armour piercing, hardness and hp change, as does the price.
Malkaline said:Just about to say that. Although there are no primitive weapons on the Akbitanan chart. The comparisons are made from the Akbitanan chart and the normal chart. And you are right the only thing to change is the AP, Hardness, HP, and +1 to attack. The confusion lies with the war spear damage. 2d4 p.134 / 1d8 p.141 ex. / 1d10 p.142 It's not even on the Akbitanan chart so I don't know where the 1d12 came from. But as said above the damage should not change just the weapon quality.
:?: p161. at top of page "saving throw modifier" is defined as "Base save bonus + ability modifier", at bottom of page Initiative check includes "Reflex save modifier" and "Dexterity modifier". Is Dexterity meant to be included in initiative twice?
If you successful Bluff your opponents in conjunction with the Striking Cobra feat, how long are they flat-footed before getting to react, 1 full-round or 1 surprise round (which would only allow one attack or move action)?
MightyCthulhu said:As I read it:
Striking Cobra makes them flat footed and negates any readied action and lets you act in a "special" surprise round wherein you can take a FULL action. IIRC the d20 SRD says you usually get only a partial action during a surprise round.
I presume this implies that they are flat footed until they get their action in the following round.