Looking at the magic system in Conan, I notice that through the use of power points, It might be possible to do some kind of customizing.
Higher Sorcery would be a feat, one for every sorcery style. Acquiring the feat would allow the sorcerer to customize his spells in a variety of ways.
For example.....
Higher Sorcery (Nercomancy)
Prerequisites: Knowledge (arcana) 15, Death Touch, Magic Attack Bonus +6
Benefit: With this feat, the scholar can, by means of using more power points, customize a spell of the Necromancy school in a variety of ways.
The spells that can be customized and the ways in which they can be altered are......
Raise Corpse:
Eyes of the Dead
3 extra PPs
Benefit: The caster can see through the eyes of the living dead he raised. The vision is 30ft, and view is shadowy and blurry, like seeing something in a poorly lit room. (+5 to all spot or search checks) The corpse need not have eyes for this to work.
Voice of the Dead
2 extra PPs
Benefit: The caster can talk using the zombie's mouth. The voice is deep, cracked and emotionless. This had a range equal to double the range for a Raise Corpse Spell. The Caster can not cast a spell at a distance with this, but he can send the zombie to deliver messages. The corpse needs to have a relatively working mouth for this to work.
Ears of the Dead
3 extra PPs
Benefit: The caster can hear through the ears of the zombie. The sounds are heard as if the ears were covered with a scarf or cloth. (+5 to all listen checks) The corpse needs to have relatively functioning ears for this to work.
Strength of the Grave
3 extra PPs
Benefit: The zombies created by a raise corpse spell are stronger and tougher; they get a +2 bonus to strength and 2 damage reduction
Army of the Dead
5 extra PPs
Benefit: The zombies created by a Raise Corpse Spell are more capable than the normal living dead. Corpses can be raised with 1 level of Soldier. The corpses no longer only take only a standard or move action each round, but are the same in all other respects.
Jaws of the Crypt
4 extra PPs
Benefit: The zombies created by a Raise Corpse spell gain the Relentless Jaws ability like Ghouls. It is the same, except the zombies gain a bite attack with 1d4 damage, and it takes twice as long to chew through armor.
Power of the Grave
10 extra PPs
Benefit: This grants the caster the ability to cast spells through a zombie created by him. Each time the scholar attempts to do this, he must make a Concentration check (DC 20). Also, this process burns out the zombie internally. This can only be done with a specific corpse a number of times equal to the scholars charisma modifier.
Ok, this is just an example. What do you think? Is it horribly unbalanced, or what? I know its not perfect, I just wanted ot know what everybody thought.
Higher Sorcery would be a feat, one for every sorcery style. Acquiring the feat would allow the sorcerer to customize his spells in a variety of ways.
For example.....
Higher Sorcery (Nercomancy)
Prerequisites: Knowledge (arcana) 15, Death Touch, Magic Attack Bonus +6
Benefit: With this feat, the scholar can, by means of using more power points, customize a spell of the Necromancy school in a variety of ways.
The spells that can be customized and the ways in which they can be altered are......
Raise Corpse:
Eyes of the Dead
3 extra PPs
Benefit: The caster can see through the eyes of the living dead he raised. The vision is 30ft, and view is shadowy and blurry, like seeing something in a poorly lit room. (+5 to all spot or search checks) The corpse need not have eyes for this to work.
Voice of the Dead
2 extra PPs
Benefit: The caster can talk using the zombie's mouth. The voice is deep, cracked and emotionless. This had a range equal to double the range for a Raise Corpse Spell. The Caster can not cast a spell at a distance with this, but he can send the zombie to deliver messages. The corpse needs to have a relatively working mouth for this to work.
Ears of the Dead
3 extra PPs
Benefit: The caster can hear through the ears of the zombie. The sounds are heard as if the ears were covered with a scarf or cloth. (+5 to all listen checks) The corpse needs to have relatively functioning ears for this to work.
Strength of the Grave
3 extra PPs
Benefit: The zombies created by a raise corpse spell are stronger and tougher; they get a +2 bonus to strength and 2 damage reduction
Army of the Dead
5 extra PPs
Benefit: The zombies created by a Raise Corpse Spell are more capable than the normal living dead. Corpses can be raised with 1 level of Soldier. The corpses no longer only take only a standard or move action each round, but are the same in all other respects.
Jaws of the Crypt
4 extra PPs
Benefit: The zombies created by a Raise Corpse spell gain the Relentless Jaws ability like Ghouls. It is the same, except the zombies gain a bite attack with 1d4 damage, and it takes twice as long to chew through armor.
Power of the Grave
10 extra PPs
Benefit: This grants the caster the ability to cast spells through a zombie created by him. Each time the scholar attempts to do this, he must make a Concentration check (DC 20). Also, this process burns out the zombie internally. This can only be done with a specific corpse a number of times equal to the scholars charisma modifier.
Ok, this is just an example. What do you think? Is it horribly unbalanced, or what? I know its not perfect, I just wanted ot know what everybody thought.