New Rules and Models you want to see next

Which Race would you like to see have rules and models for it next

  • Dilgar

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  • Drakh

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  • Other Ancients (Kirishiac/Triad/Walkers etc.)

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  • Hyach

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  • Lumati

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  • Yolu

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  • another race not mentioned in list above

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  • Total voters
I want my Dilgar to return, no bones about it.
Funny you should mention that... :wink: :D

Though i'd like to see the EA advanced ships, Dilgar and Drakh, personnally I'd like to see ship components first.
Come, please, all I need is a big bucket of Omega, Olympus, Nova and Warlock turrets
Doesn't the new Omega has no "extra" turrets, but all turrets as part of the main mini? And Nova turrets are usually too big to be useful for conversions.
However, I made very good use of my big store of Olympus, Warlock and Poseidon turrets! As well as the Demos et al "basic twin array turret", Balvarin "small centauri ball turret", Narn Rongoth turret... of and the Dilgar turrets...
What I would Really like would be alternate turrets.
Like taking the Olympus "basic EA" turret and making a version that has one big barrel instead of the two smaller it has now (Well, I made that, but it was annoyingly difficult - and had only a 75% success rate...), that can be used to represent plasma cannons instead of pulse cannons for the Dilgar-era ships...
Or taking the "basic centauri twin array turret" which I dislike a bit, and do a version that's half as "high" and half as "long" to distinguish the B5W "Twin Array" and "Heavy Array"...
Or make Nova turrets at 60% their current size so one can use them on other ships too... (The nova itself also looks much less ridicolous with smaller turrets too)
Stuff like that.

Hyach, Pak'Ma'Ra, Yolu, Gaim, Llort basically the races we saw in the League during Council meetings on B5
I also would like to see Dilgar and 2230 era EA and league forces to fight them. A campaign book would be great.
Hyach AoG did in FA scale, shouldn't be too hard to redo them in full scale - but I suppose the Mongoose guys will probably want to wait until they run out of AoG stuff before diverting sculpting capacity to new B5 ships.
Pak we have some from AoG, so I suppose they'll show up in CtA version soon.
Yolu... well, they are a complete unknownn, we don't even have drawings, just some ships shiluettes (which can easily be ignored if some sculptor has a better idea - it happened with the first incarnation of AoG's minbari...)
Gaim... use hulls of other races, heavily converted for their use (again the call for bits and parts - MY gaim look completely different from the models they started out as...)
Llort... unknown again. Though I'd like to see their asymmetrical ships one day soon...

Nova, Hyperion, Avenger, Olympus.
Based of the service dates in Book 2 add the Artemis and Oracle (probably some others but i don't fiddle around with patrol level stuff.)
Also earlier versions of: Laertes Police Corvette, Tethys Plasma Boat, Hermes fast transport, Orestes System Monitor, Cotton Long-Range Tender and maybe even a few Epimetheus-epsilon (the Hyperion's precessor, the last of which were finally retired after the war, the last two are not in any AoG supplement in case anyone asks, but from the HRT's files, B5W SCS available from the homepage of Rich Bax)

Still, what I want most, I stated it before, are more civilian models and shuttles as "scenario spice", and finishing the "AoG half-done fleets", then the races we know, but have no ships for.
I think it might be cool to see the race form "A View from the Gallery." Brutal aggression, and warming techniques that had B5 reeling until the White Stars showed up and started whooping ass.
Abbai could be good, finish off the independant League fleets that make up The League of Non-Aligned Worlds. Means that if you add more League races, you get to tweak the League lists to incorporate some of them.
Drakh! Drakh! Drakh! :!: :!:

Come on. A real bonified bad race, with advance tech. They would give the Minbari and ISA a real run for the money. Plus they arn't an aceint race, so there beatable. I think these guys have never gotten the respect they desirve. There would be alot of campaings that would be very interesting with the Drakh.

The dilgar were history and did not play a large part in the show. I still don't see why they are so popular (I never played B5 Wars).

PS Drakh!