New release looks

Ben W Bell

So I noticed Legend of the Rangers and Lurkers Guide to Telepaths in my new LGS today and what can I say? Ugggghhh. What happened here? They look like they were printed on someone's office B&W laser printer, completely with dodgy toner lines across the images, and then bound into a nice cover. Seriously, they look really bad, so much so I wondering if someone was pirating RPGs around Toronto. Is this how they were supposed to turn out, as I put them back on the shelf and didn't purchase them?
I have to agree here. The new B&W look is dreadful. Please Mongoose, bring back full colour books. I'm happy to pay for the full colour.
I seem to be in a minority who prefer the B&W format for certain books...I find it much easier to read compared to full gloss colour for many things and easier to find information.

Some things want I want full colour - for instance, The B5 Station Guide and adventures particularly with all the maps and multiple books. For some reason Im happier with Freedom Station being B&W.