New Race: Kozak

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One of my players wants to play a Kozak. I don't know if this has been covered before, but does anyone have any house rules already?

I am thinking Weapon Familiarity: Sabre, and a bonus to Hide and/or Move Silently, but would like some more ideas. Favoured Class Nomad & Pirate?
A Kozak would be most like a Hyrkanian in style and modifiers, as they sprung up from Turanian criminals and soldiers (With some Shemite or Zamorians thrown in). Escaped slaves adding into the mix could add any number of races to the mix. I would allow that the character should choose his primary ancestry and go with that. That would be my house rule. Kozaks were wonderfully varied; I don't know if making a kozak 'race' would reflect that as well as having the players pick their ancestry and using that as their race.

Robert E. Howard says this:

On the broad steppes between the Sea of Vilayet and the borders of the easternmost Hyborian kingdoms, a new race had sprung up in the past half-century, formed originally of fleeing criminals, escaped slaves, and deserting soldiers. They were men of many crimes and countries, some born on the steppes, some fleeing from the kingdoms in the west. They were called Kozak, which means wastrel.

Dwelling on the wild, open steppes, owning no law but their own peculiar code, they had become a people capable even of defying the Grand Monarch. Ceaselessly they raided the Turanian frontier, retiring in the steppes when defeated.

Robert E. Howard, The Devil in Iron
Personally, I'd make them primarily Turanian/Hyrkanian and Zuagir (Shemite), possibly with a few Hyborian or Zamorian members. You could start mixing/matching racial abilities, as several in each race tend to be cultural rather than genetic.
Hi Fatled,

I like the Kozaki as well, so much so that I've been thinking of making an alternative class based on them, but realized that I might already have done something similar with my Brigand Class (also available as a Word document in the ConanD20 Yahoo! group).

:arrow: Webster's Definition of Brigand: one who lives by plunder usually as a member of a band

:idea: That definition sounds enough like a Kozak to me, but the Brigand class as is requires something more, something giving them an edge when it comes to mounted combat and riding. I am thinking of either allowing a Kozak Brigand Style, or making another alternative Kozak class based on a Pirate/Nomad mix. I'll try the former first and see how that turns out...

The below is from the Official Handbook of the Conan Universe, by Marvel Comics.

Official Handbook of the Conan Universe said:
"Wolves of the Steppes owning no law but their own"

A ruffian horde of wild outlaws who dwell on the Turanian Steppes west of the Vilayet Sea, the Kozaki call themselves the Free People, though they acknowledge with grim humor the Hyrkanian-language epithet, "kozak," meaning rogue or wastrel, hurled at them by the folk of Turan whose border outposts, coasts, and caravans are ceaseless targets of daring Kozaki raids of plunder. These raids are hit and run, as the Kozaki strike swiftly on horseback with sword and torch then retreat to the wilderness before their startled victims can retaliate.

A fierce, proud people, the Kozaki are sons and grandsons of fugitive criminals, escaped slaves, deserting soldiers, and similar outcasts who fled to the Steppes some fifty years before Conan's time and settled among the aboriginal pastoral natives there. Today they are divided into several bands, each serving its own leader, or hetman, a position won by strength of sword-arm, not inheritance. The Kozaki enjoy a diet of wild vegetables, horse meat, and fermented mare's milk. Their native garb includes colorful head-scarfs, silken shirts and wide breeches, broad sashes, scimitars girdled to the hip, and gilt-worked leather boots.

They are outstanding horsemen and can live in the saddle for long periods of time, snatching an occasional nap on horseback or munching on raw meat, kept warm beneath the saddle, while still galloping apace. On occasion the Kozaki will present a double threat to Turan by joining forces with the pirates of the Vilayet Sea in order to harry the ports of the coast and beard the lion of Turan in its own den.

The kozaki really aren't a race, the way I see it; not any more so than a mercenary army is a race. The descriptions of the kozaki are of people from widely-flung parts of the world who come together outside of normal society.

Let your player call himself a kozak if he wants. As long as he's a capable warrior and horseman who shows the proper loyalty to his adopted culture, he should fit in fine.
InsomNY said:
The kozaki really aren't a race, the way I see it; not any more so than a mercenary army is a race. The descriptions of the kozaki are of people from widely-flung parts of the world who come together outside of normal society.
I agree, they're not quite a race, but would make a good alternative class IMO, such as my Brigand Class draft. It has still to be play-tested, and I will add a Kozak Brigand Style based on some Nomad concepts.


InsomNY said:
The kozaki really aren't a race, the way I see it; not any more so than a mercenary army is a race. The descriptions of the kozaki are of people from widely-flung parts of the world who come together outside of normal society.

Just as the Cossacks are not, in fact, a separate race but actually a collection of peoples who came together to live the cossack lifestyle in Russia's steppes.
I tyhink Conan lends itself more to starting Players at LVL 3- This way a Kozak could be represented by a Turan/Shemite etc Soldier/Thief/Nomad etc. This allows Characters to be scetched out within the existing classes without creating a new class for every situation.

My own Character ina single Player Campaign is the Daughter of Zamorian Merchant who has turned to Piracy for excitement, her adventures involve lost tressure as well as City Based adventures of Murder, deciet and intrigue- She was a 1st lvl Scholar/ lvl 2 Pirate Starting off
ZamorianBlade said:
I think Conan lends itself more to starting Players at LVL 3- This way a Kozak could be represented by a Turan/Shemite etc Soldier/Thief/Nomad etc. This allows Characters to be scetched out within the existing classes without creating a new class for every situation.

Hi ZamorianBlade, I agree with your points of being able to create just about any type of character by multiclassing, and Conan the RPG lends itself well to this. I still think there's room for a Brigand Class, and I've tried to design the class to be open enough to allow for just about every concept of Brigand you can think of; bandits, highwaymen, Kozaks, raiders, marauders, thugs, outlaws, and even green-tights-wearing-merry-men of Sherwood Forest. :D

