New Lone Wolf Books...

redsimon said:
Now that we know there are bonus adventures, why would anyone want the books without?

In the same way that people are happy buying music albums without additional tracks or music videos.

In the same way that people are happy to buy DVDs without the extra scenes and/or optional extras.

In the same way that people buy all kinds of things - the product price point determines the content and the customer's desire to purchase one or the other or not at all.

If people want the bonus adventures (which never existed in the original editions) then buy the CEs with them in. That's the product that has the the adventures in them. If you can't afford them then tough. I can't afford everything I want. That's life.
Bleeding said:
About overall balance, I think the ranger is not very balanced. At his last rank, he can fight with a bow, doubling damages, adding 10 CS with his bow and 10 more CS against a chosen enemy...

Yeah, I went through "Heroes" and made alterations to some of the powers, to bring them more in line to what I feel is representative of the subject matter. This often including toning down the bonuses of some powers, altering the effects of others, and bringing in the Willpower stat for all classes.
redsimon said:
Btw, the German edition of the current CE has softcover with the bonus adventures included. We will probably never see hardbacks, but everybody seems happy with the quality softcover (it's better than the average softcover, harder and more flexible) as I never heard/read otherwise.

Now that we know there are bonus adventures, why would anyone want the books without?
That's exactly the point: Italians too have the bonus adventures (at least n. 2-4, the others have not been published yet and probably never will) and they only cost 10 euros, more or less.

If paperbacks had been published only a few weeks after the CEs I'd have understood the lack of the bonus adventures but... come on! 3 years and a half have passed since Flight from the Dark has come out, there's no reason not to add the Bonus Adventures to the softocover: each and every single customer who could have bought the CE has already done it...
RatedRWolf said:
That's exactly the point: Italians too have the bonus adventures (at least n. 2-4, the others have not been published yet and probably never will) and they only cost 10 euros, more or less.
Publishing stopped at volume 4? That is harsh.
If paperbacks had been published only a few weeks after the CEs I'd have understood the lack of the bonus adventures but... come on! 3 years and a half have passed since Flight from the Dark has come out, there's no reason not to add the Bonus Adventures to the softocover: each and every single customer who could have bought the CE has already done it...
Yep, that's exactly why there is no reason to now publish a softcover light version. Why would you follow up a better version with a worse one? To refer to Random Code: Usually the DVDs without bonus material are published before OR at the same time like the ones with that material. Or albums with bonus tracks are mostly published later like some kind of updated versions.
Bleeding said:
I stopped buying before Sommerlund. I'm waiting for the Bestiary to order them both and all the books so far are very enjoyable.

And you're right, the rules light system is very flexible.

I added a skill system and it remains 100% compatible with your books.

About overall balance, I think the ranger is not very balanced. At his last rank, he can fight with a bow, doubling damages, adding 10 CS with his bow and 10 more CS against a chosen enemy...

Deadlier than most fighters...

You're doing a good job nonetheless and I hope this game will last for years :)

Sommerlund is rather good and the Bestiary is insanely detailed.
redsimon said:
Yep, that's exactly why there is no reason to now publish a softcover light version. Why would you follow up a better version with a worse one?

Widespread distribution at a lower price?
Greg Smith said:
redsimon said:
Yep, that's exactly why there is no reason to now publish a softcover light version. Why would you follow up a better version with a worse one?

Widespread distribution at a lower price?

I agree. The whole point here is to get the books into mainstream bookstores. A casual peruser at Barnes & Noble(TM), or wherever, isn't going to care snot about some bonus adventure but will certainly be looking at the price.

I would never have learned about Lone Wolf all those years ago if the books hadn't been in a mainstream store (WaldenBooks at the time) and so putting them back into that type of store, at the lowest cost possible, seems like exactly the right move to me.

redsimon said:
Usually the DVDs without bonus material are published before OR at the same time like the ones with that material. Or albums with bonus tracks are mostly published later like some kind of updated versions.

Hmmm, this could very well be an experience thing then because I've purchased budget version DVDs long after the general release of the DVD in question and these newer versions just contained the film and no extras and often come in cheaper casing. And no, they aren't pirate copies - unless Amazon are engaging in such practices!

The general point still remains though...

1) The bonus adventures are found in the Collector Editions.

2) The non-CEs do not contain them as they are general release titles specifically for a wider distribution and to bring the original work's of Joe Dever back into print.

3) Including the bonus adventure would increase the price of the standard books and Mongoose may get some disgruntled CE purchasers, as well, as they'd be going back on their word that the CE would only contain the bonus adventures.

4) If you want the bonus adventure, buy the CE. If you think that the CE is too expensive or can't afford it then that doesn't really mean anything. You simply won't be getting you're hands on the bonus adventure.

Personally, I think we're really lucky that we have the two purchase options. Assuming of course that the non-CE editions are released!

I also think alot of people of attaching more value to these bonus adventures than they are worth, as well. They are generally okay but nothing amazingly special. YMMV.
Random Code said:
I also think alot of people of attaching more value to these bonus adventures than they are worth, as well. They are generally okay but nothing amazingly special. YMMV.

I agree.

I played through the first couple, thought they were okay and didn't bother with the rest.

Truthfully, I have stopped collecting the CEs. The price, the mistakes and the endless waiting have put me right off. The bonus adventure doesn't entice me.
I'm pretty happy that only the CE will have the bonus adventures. After all, what is the point of buying the CE if the only difference is the hardcover? With the bonus adventures, I think these books deserve the CE appellation.
BlackCat said:
I'm pretty happy that only the CE will have the bonus adventures. After all, what is the point of buying the CE if the only difference is the hardcover? With the bonus adventures, I think these books deserve the CE appellation.
I would have agreed if the CEs had been published just two months ago, but knowing that there will be at least four years between the hardcover and the softcover edition, there's no need to distinguish them in such a way. In my opinion, Mongoose should behave just as every normal publishing company behaves: I have never seen a paperback edition different from the hardcover one...
Random Code said:
3) Including the bonus adventure would increase the price of the standard books and Mongoose may get some disgruntled CE purchasers, as well, as they'd be going back on their word that the CE would only contain the bonus adventures.
Disgruntled CE purchasers? Well, the purchasers of the softback version without bonus adventures have waited several years longer than the CE purchasers (if it is released). Isn't that enough to justify a new version with bonus adventures? I think it is.
redsimon said:
Disgruntled CE purchasers? Well, the purchasers of the softback version without bonus adventures have waited several years longer than the CE purchasers (if it is released). Isn't that enough to justify a new version with bonus adventures? I think it is.

And I don't think it is... The standard releases have never been about the bonus adventure. They are about getting Joe Dever's Lone Wolf adventures out there for (potential) mass consumption.

And again, for those saying they won't buy the softback books if they don't have the bonus adventures in it. Fine, then buy the CE editions. That's what the CE editions had as their bonus content. That's what they are there for - a reward to the original or early adoption LW fans.

That's what the deal has always been.
RatedRWolf said:
BlackCat said:
I'm pretty happy that only the CE will have the bonus adventures. After all, what is the point of buying the CE if the only difference is the hardcover? With the bonus adventures, I think these books deserve the CE appellation.
I would have agreed if the CEs had been published just two months ago, but knowing that there will be at least four years between the hardcover and the softcover edition, there's no need to distinguish them in such a way. In my opinion, Mongoose should behave just as every normal publishing company behaves: I have never seen a paperback edition different from the hardcover one...

Because time span doesn't come into it. They are CEs because of the format and the extra (and exclusive) content. These Collector/Exclusive/Limited editions don't have a time limit on them.

If you don't want to buy the softback editions because they don't have the bonus adventure in them then vote with your wallet. Don't buy them. But if you're not picking up the Lone Wolf adventure just because the softback version that you want doesn't have an (in general) fairly average ho-hum bonus adventure in the back then it smacks to me of cutting off your own nose to spite your face.

Just a quick couple of questions: why haven't people purchased the hardbacks? What are your reasons? ... I ask because I'm genuinely surprised that Mongoose are continuing with plans for a softback release as I don't think there's a real market for them.
The Wolf said:
I have a soft spot for book 8's bonus adventure, but that's a given.

There are good ones, I agree. I wasn't trying to damn them all so I do hope people realise I was generalising the content for the sake of brevity. Apologies if I've upset anyone as that wasn't my intention.
RatedRWolf said:
BlackCat said:
I'm pretty happy that only the CE will have the bonus adventures. After all, what is the point of buying the CE if the only difference is the hardcover? With the bonus adventures, I think these books deserve the CE appellation.
I would have agreed if the CEs had been published just two months ago, but knowing that there will be at least four years between the hardcover and the softcover edition, there's no need to distinguish them in such a way. In my opinion, Mongoose should behave just as every normal publishing company behaves: I have never seen a paperback edition different from the hardcover one...

A good few of the Star Wars paperbacks include e-novellas not included in the hardbacks, that's a difference.

RatedRWolf said:
I have never seen a paperback edition different from the hardcover one...

The British paperback of Morgan's The Steel Remains added a map, I believe.
The first British paperback of the expanded version of Feist's Magician omitted one map.