New Dredd Models - What do you Want?

By all means, keep them coming - we are compiling all suggestions into a big master list that should keep us busy for, well, years!

Great to see this kind of response. With the new film around the corner, I hope the customer base grows, so the range can keep on expanding.

A quick question to Matt. Are there any minis that the previous sculptor finished and going into production before they went off the radar? I know i've mentioned the Citi Def Unit but did the Mantic Zombie kits ever make their way to Mongoose?

I would also be interested if anything that was finished recently is in the immediate releases and tide us all over until we see what on this thread makes the cut.
Mrs Gunderson!

And how about a gang of senior citizens with wheelchairs and zimmer frames? Or a crock-block citi-def unit?
Rick said:
And how about a gang of senior citizens with wheelchairs and zimmer frames? Or a crock-block citi-def unit?

Actually, having Citi-Def be a real hodge-podge of MC-1 characters is a good idea. If there were a 6 figure Citi-Def pack, you could have eg. a lanky man, an angry tubby woman, a bespectacled shortarse sniper, a musclebound moron and fierce male and female eldsters. There'd be all sorts of inspiration in the panels of the Block Mania story. This would make them distinct from other 'near future merc' figures.

Armed eldsters are a nice idea regardless.

Has anyone mentioned Texas City Judges yet? They're a more likley scenario element than non-US judges, I think.
I actually thought Mrs Gunderson might be a fun sort of effect to have in a game - no stats for the model (no, you can't shoot her!), random movement (say, d6" in a random direction each turn) and every model within 6" has certain effects (I thought a d6 roll on a chart, ranging from weapon jams, re-roll successful hits to +1 close combat attacks). Just to add a little random chaos! :twisted:
Can't really add much more than has already been said, but:

Some World Judges would be good - Emerald Isle, Brit Cit, Oz, Texas City.
Eldster gangs - defiitely.
More apes.
Uglies - some of the old GW ones were great.
Dune Sharks. I love Dune Sharks, and do play Cursed Earth based games (easier to model wild west style towns than Mega City style Blocks...)

But most of all... Lawmasters.
Any type of Judge variant would be good with me. Keep those guys coming for sure. A scruffy looking Cursed Earth circuit Judge complete with uniform violations would be cool.
A couple of the deputised Cursed Earth mutants would be great too.

I like the idea of making more international Judges available. One miniature of each would probably be plenty (except for Hondo-Cit, which specifically require a male). In rules terms I would rather that they could be fielded as both generics and named characters (rules for both Judge Joyce and for a generic Emerald Isle Judge for example). Just like in the comics, international Judges allow for games that follow a "Red Heat" buddy cop movie format, with all of the silly cliches that are fun to game with.

A specific model to represent a Wally Squad judge doesnt seem that necessary to me as any other figure will do. That said, if the figure had a badge displaying pose reminiscent of Lennys here, then I would definitely buy that :)


I know that we arent really talking character models here but still, if the Low Life/Mega City Undercover characters were available individually or as a box like the Angels they would get to the top of my purchase list very fast.

The dog vulture is a cool idea, as is anything Cursed Earth (my games regularly take place there, definitely easier to get that terrain sorted than MC1).

A manager for the Fatties is a must have (they are called "Flab Fixers" werent they?). It would give the gang a nice visual contrast.

Uglies are a definitive MC1 phenomenon and should probably be represented in the range somehow, either as Mercs or possibly their own gang (although Uglyness in itself doesnt really do anything in a MC1 context, so an entire gang might be silly. Ugliness certainly doesnt "cause Fear" or anything like that, the opposite in fact, so distinction from a regular gang might be a bit forced in rules terms).
Ron Smith always drew the best uglies and usually made them visually distinct from mutants and the like, so his artwork would be the best for inspiration in my opinion.

An Umpty bagger Merc displaying lollypops and other candy on the inside of his shady overcoat would be funny and definitively MC1.

Another few Blitzer models would be cool. I like the current guy so another few approximately that size would be good. Maybe one of them could be pretty shot-up, with visible bionics or something.

The Zombie Master is lonely...

One thing that I liked about the old GoMC1 range was that the figures focused on the wildly varied population of MC1. That is the strength of the line to me and it is what I would like to see you guys focus on. Sc-fi ganger models are easy to get hold of whereas batgliders and fatties are not.
Re Wally Squad / Low Life suggestion - even though we are not really supposed to be talking characters... an Aimie Nixon and a Dirty Frank would also be top of my must have list...

Just saying ;)
numanti said:
Re Wally Squad / Low Life suggestion - even though we are not really supposed to be talking characters... an Aimie Nixon and a Dirty Frank would also be top of my must have list...

Still a little off topic, but Jack Point and the supporting cast of The Simping Detective stories (DeMarco PI & Perkins in particular) go hand in hand with the Low Life and Lenny Zero crowd. I would prefer to have Jack than either Aimee or Dirty Frank (and I really want both of those).

But generic figures first. I prefer generics to named character models anyway :)
A specific model to represent a Wally Squad judge doesnt seem that necessary to me as any other figure will do. That said, if the figure had a badge displaying pose reminiscent of Lennys here, then I would definitely buy that

Cool thing would be to have the figure with two options on the hand. One with handgun for street punk, one with badge for Wally.
How about a set of about 5 or 6 ordinary citizens - you could have them as (semi-) innocent bystanders and also do a sprue of hand weapons so you could have the option of converting them to lightly armed gang members (you could even put a hand holding a badge on the sprue to have the option of a wally squad judge?).
Rick said:
How about a set of about 5 or 6 ordinary citizens - you could have them as (semi-) innocent bystanders and also do a sprue of hand weapons so you could have the option of converting them to lightly armed gang members (you could even put a hand holding a badge on the sprue to have the option of a wally squad judge?).

That is a fantastic idea.
cheetor said:
Rick said:
How about a set of about 5 or 6 ordinary citizens - you could have them as (semi-) innocent bystanders and also do a sprue of hand weapons so you could have the option of converting them to lightly armed gang members (you could even put a hand holding a badge on the sprue to have the option of a wally squad judge?).

That is a fantastic idea.

THIS!! a hundred time this! Having civies in the games hasnt been easy. it s hard to model all of them in MC1 style. Lots of kneepads.
Rick said:
How about a set of about 5 or 6 ordinary citizens - you could have them as (semi-) innocent bystanders...

Millicent Bystander!
I'd like to see the Grizzly exo-suit in a box of 3-4. Oh wait, that's a Holocaust Judge! Yeah, I'd like to see them in a box of 3-4...I'd buy at least 3-4 boxes of them!

And may as well throw in a Cougar Holocaust judge...considering that the originals are going for about $20 on eBay, this seems like an easy decision to make.

Meanwhile, I'll be trying to find a US distributor from whom I can get a dozen single holocaust judges!
Quote by Aman under the Lawmaster thread.
My one male and one female body, each with several heads in the blister for the various branches. Then there's only two real choices to make - male/female rider, and the rest is just picking a head.

Other baggage bits to go on the bike might also be helpful to evoke the Judge branch, such as a medi-kit, riot gear, whatever.

If done in plastic or metal, the bit sprue would also be something worth getting / owning for it's own sake.

I love this idea, especially the sprues with different tools. Also sprues of weapons approriate to the setting. I think sprues of stuff is the best Idea.
Not miniatures in the sense of 3D models but imagery cut and paste buildings and such.

(Not Cut & Paste computer commands but old fashion, print out the image, cut along the lines and paste/tape your self a building model).

Could make some ruin vehicles benches and other street items to help make the playing field.

I know that there are plenty of models of such out there, and I don't see a need for Mongoose to try and make specific models (3D kind) for the game, but for those who want the enviroment (imagery) who either don't have the cash to buy or the talent to make such items for their game, these print, cut and paste models will help.

You could also have streets (just plain flat sheets) with side walks, obstacles and more printed on them. This would make the base and then if they wanted more 3D'ness to them, they could then print and cut/paste the other items.

Dave Chase
Cut-out buildings I don't personally have much use for (as we build our own terrain) but yes - play mats along the lines of the one that was in the Gangs of MC1 box set, and floorplans similar to what GW did with the old RPG and the ones in Citi-Block and Slaughter Margin would be really good!