Green Marine
A self-confessed Newbie, bitten by the ST bug ..........
I've worked out (and then immediately bought ) a 2000 point Company, basically:
Cougar Lieutenant
1 Platoon (2 Squads) of Exosuits, each Cougar Sgt., Grizzly Corp., Grizzly Trooper
1 Platoon (2 Squads) of Power Suits -
Colour Sgt. (gotta have a Big Flag !)
1 Squad with M8 and M9 upgrade
1 Squad with Derringer Micro (for the AA support) and Triple Thud Upgrade
I've got other stuff as well (another Power Suit squad, lots more potential upgrades), but I think that's a fun-looking 2k points ........ (pity I couldn't afford a CHAS, though ).
I've got one too many Cougars, and I'm one Grizzly short ! Anybody fancy a trade ? My Cougar is mint and unassembled, with all the weapon options and base - I'd like to swap for a Grizzly in similar condition, but I could live with an assembled / painted one (which would be stripped).
Also - does anyone have a spare sprue of MI visors (for my Micro-supports) ? 30p from Mongoose is fine, but £3.00 postage is not :shock: . I've got the spare weapons from the Grizzly / Cougar boxes to trade, or cash / stamps / everlasting gratitude :wink: .
I hope some of you Vets. can help a Greenhorn out !
In hope,
A (very) Green Marine
I've worked out (and then immediately bought ) a 2000 point Company, basically:
Cougar Lieutenant
1 Platoon (2 Squads) of Exosuits, each Cougar Sgt., Grizzly Corp., Grizzly Trooper
1 Platoon (2 Squads) of Power Suits -
Colour Sgt. (gotta have a Big Flag !)
1 Squad with M8 and M9 upgrade
1 Squad with Derringer Micro (for the AA support) and Triple Thud Upgrade
I've got other stuff as well (another Power Suit squad, lots more potential upgrades), but I think that's a fun-looking 2k points ........ (pity I couldn't afford a CHAS, though ).
I've got one too many Cougars, and I'm one Grizzly short ! Anybody fancy a trade ? My Cougar is mint and unassembled, with all the weapon options and base - I'd like to swap for a Grizzly in similar condition, but I could live with an assembled / painted one (which would be stripped).
Also - does anyone have a spare sprue of MI visors (for my Micro-supports) ? 30p from Mongoose is fine, but £3.00 postage is not :shock: . I've got the spare weapons from the Grizzly / Cougar boxes to trade, or cash / stamps / everlasting gratitude :wink: .
I hope some of you Vets. can help a Greenhorn out !
In hope,
A (very) Green Marine