Well it's not EA but I have a hankering to name a 5 shiup fleet after some of the Star Wars Characters Luke, Biggs, Wedge, Han & Chewie, let the paraphrasing of SW dialogue commence :lol:
lastbesthope said:Well it's not EA but I have a hankering to name a 5 shiup fleet after some of the Star Wars Characters Luke, Biggs, Wedge, Han & Chewie, let the paraphrasing of SW dialogue commence :lol:
Greg Smith said:And my Omega is named Nimrod (for the X-men villain, I think :wink: ).
MustEatBrains said:Greg Smith said:And my Omega is named Nimrod (for the X-men villain, I think :wink: ).
An Omega with this name was part of the second wave attacking B5 in "Severed Dreams", btw.
mthomason said:Dread Pirate Burger said:EAS Uncle Albert?
That one is certain to go down with all hands aboard.
Leroy Landers said:I'm naming my EA fleet after things like video game characters, writers, and characters from greek mythology. I'm going to get a Nemesis and name it the HP Lovecraft, others include Proteus, Edmund Duke, Neuromancer, and names like Yog-Sothoth for ships equipped with shadowtech.
Leroy Landers said:I'm going to get a Nemesis and name it the HP Lovecraft,...