Mysteries of the Ancients Questions & Comments


Hi all,

I am currently making my way reading through Mysteries, and am extremely impressed. I really forward to mastering this for a group :-)

One thing has left me a bit confused at his point (trying to keep the following spoiler-free): Even before beginning the scenario, _why_ is Garnette already famous? Mercedes did appear to keep a low profile in the hunter community, and Bernadatta had not yet taken over. Did I miss something in this first read-through? I ask because the pre-scenario prominence of Garnette is emphasized multiple times in the text, and I cannot figure out the reason ...

Another trap people might fall into is: "Sorrel has gone to Hell". And Glisten 2237 being mislabeled on the provided subsector map as "Hell". That name should be "Wurzburg" ;-)

There's also quite a few typos in the text. Should these be reported somewhere for a "Second Printing" of the PDF?
Hi all,

I am currently making my way reading through Mysteries, and am extremely impressed. I really forward to mastering this for a group :)

One thing has left me a bit confused at his point (trying to keep the following spoiler-free): Even before beginning the scenario, _why_ is Garnette already famous? Mercedes did appear to keep a low profile in the hunter community, and Bernadatta had not yet taken over. Did I miss something in this first read-through? I ask because the pre-scenario prominence of Garnette is emphasized multiple times in the text, and I cannot figure out the reason ...

Another trap people might fall into is: "Sorrel has gone to Hell". And Glisten 2237 being mislabeled on the provided subsector map as "Hell". That name should be "Wurzburg" ;-)

There's also quite a few typos in the text. Should these be reported somewhere for a "Second Printing" of the PDF?
I think Mercedes got up to all sorts of mischief and adventures over the hundred years previous to the scenario. This coupled with the garbled misinformation about what happened at Twilight Peak has grown to give the beat-up, old scout a glamour which Hunters aren't really sure about but know is special. Bernadette had taken the ship some years before the scenario starts, right? This will have added to the legend. And if hunters like anything it is a legend which is almost a blank piece of paper to write their own story on. You know, like how Area 51 is where the Mi-Go set up a trading station with humans and have been drip feeding us tech for a long time. Or was it an alien ship which crashed? Well, we all know it was a time machine which materialised form the, no wait, it's where Lovecraft's cryogenically frozen, I mean Disney's, er, hand on, there's someone knocking very loudly on my door, I'll be right ba