I proposed a version of this in one of the other threads (to complete indifference), but this is a bit more complete and thought out
Opposed tests are made as normal skill checks - so critical and fumble rules are in effect. Characters with a skill over 100% roll as normal with the reduced chance to fail and the increased chance to critical.
** eg an attempt to sneak past a guard - the sneak gets part way, but then has to wait as the guard appears suspicious
*** eg a contest to be the first character to grab the Rune...
Some examples.
Character A has a skill of 60%, B has a skill of 40%
A will critical on 1-6, succeed 7-60, fail 61-99, fumble 00
B will critical on 1-4, succeed 5-40, fail 41-99, fumble 00
If A rolls a critical (6%)
- he will achieve an overall critical 60% of the time (B fails or fumbles)
- he will achieve an overall success 36% of the time (B succeeds) + ~2.3% (B crits but rolls less)
- he will lose 1% of the time (B crits and rolls higher)
- there will be a tie ~0.7% of the time (both roll the same value in the range 1-4) - A will win if a result is required this round
If A succeeds (54%)
- he will achieve a critical 1% of the time (B fumbles)
- he will succeed 59% of the time (B fails) +~24.8% (B succeeds but rolls less)
- he will lose 4% of the time (B criticals) +~10.4% (B succeds & rolls more)
- there will be a tie ~.8% which A will win if a result is required
If A fails (39%)
- He will succeed 60% of the time, but only if a result is required this round and B fumbles (1%) or fails (59%)
- he will fail 36% of the time (B succeeds)
- he will fail to a critical 4% of the time (B Criticals)
If A fumbles (1%)
- he will fail to a critical 40% of the time (B criticals or succeeds)
- he will fail 59% of the time if a result is required this round (B fails)
- he will succeed 1% of the time if a result is required this round (B fumbles too)
Total chances for A in this contest
Critical - 4%
Success - 71%
Fail - 22.5%
Lose to Crit - 2.5%
Character A has a skill of 110%, B has a skill of 90%
A will critical on 1-11, succeed 12-95, fail 96-99, fumble 00
B will critical on 1-9, succeed 10-90, fail 91-99, fumble 00
If A rolls a critical (11%)
- he will achieve an overall critical 10% of the time (B fails or fumbles)
- he will achieve an overall success 81% of the time (B succeeds) + ~5.8% (B crits but rolls = or less)
- he will lose ~3.2% of the time (B crits and rolls higher)
- there will be no tie as a is >100% and B isn't
If A succeeds (84%)
- he will achieve a critical 1% of the time (B fumbles)
- he will succeed 9% of the time (B fails) +~44.5% (B succeeds but rolls less)
- he will lose 9% of the time (B criticals) +~36.5% (B succeds & rolls more)
- there will be no tie as a is >100% and B isn't
If A fails (4%)
- He will succeed 10% of the time, but only if a result is required this round and B fumbles (1%) or fails (9%)
- he will fail 81% of the time (B succeeds)
- he will fail to a critical 9% of the time (B Criticals)
If A fumbles (1%)
- he will fail to a critical 90% of the time (B criticals or succeeds)
- he will fail 9% of the time if a result is required this round (B fails)
- he will succeed 1% of the time if a result is required this round (B fumbles too)
Total chances for A in this contest
Critical - 2%
Success - 55%
Fail - 42%
Lose to Crit - 1%
Character A has a skill of 160%, B has a skill of 140%
A will critical on 1-16, succeed 17-95, fail 96-99, fumble 00
B will critical on 1-14, succeed 15-95, fail 96-99, fumble 00
If A rolls a critical (16%)
- he will achieve an overall critical 10% of the time (B fails or fumbles)
- he will achieve an overall success 76% of the time (B succeeds) + ~7.3% (B crits but rolls less)
- he will lose ~5.9% of the time (B crits and rolls higher)
- there will be a tie ~0.8% of the time (both roll the same value in the range 1-4) - A will win if a result is required this round
If A succeeds (79%)
- he will achieve a critical 1% of the time (B fumbles)
- he will succeed 4% of the time (B fails) +~40.5% (B succeeds but rolls less)
- he will lose 14% of the time (B criticals) +~39.7% (B succeeds & rolls more)
- there will be a tie ~.8% which A will win if a result is required
If A fails (4%)
- He will succeed 5% of the time, but only if a result is required this round and B fumbles (1%) or fails (4%)
- he will fail 81% of the time (B succeeds)
- he will fail to a critical 14% of the time (B Criticals)
If A fumbles (1%)
- he will fail to a critical 95% of the time (B criticals or succeeds)
- he will fail 4% of the time if a result is required this round (B fails)
- he will succeed 1% of the time if a result is required this round (B fumbles too)
Total chances for A in this contest
Critical - 2%
Success - 49%
Fail - 47%
Lose to Crit - 2%
Character A has a skill of 160%, B has a skill of 40%
A will critical on 1-16, succeed 17-95, fail 96-99, fumble 00
B will critical on 1-4, succeed 5-40, fail 41-99, fumble 00
If A rolls a critical (16%)
- he will achieve an overall critical 60% of the time (B fails or fumbles)
- he will achieve an overall success 36% of the time (B succeeds) + ~2.9% (B crits but rolls less)
- he will lose ~1.1% of the time (B crits and rolls higher)
- there will be no tie as A is >100% and B isn't
this round
If A succeeds (79%)
- he will achieve a critical 1% of the time (B fumbles)
- he will succeed 59% of the time (B fails) +~31.7% (B succeeds but rolls less)
- he will lose 4% of the time (B criticals) +~4.3% (B succeeds & rolls more)
- there will be no tie as A is >100% and B isn't
If A fails (4%)
- He will succeed 60% of the time, but only if a result is required this round and B fumbles (1%) or fails (4%)
- he will fail 36% of the time (B succeeds)
- he will fail to a critical 4% of the time (B Criticals)
If A fumbles (1%)
- he will fail to a critical 40% of the time (B criticals or succeeds)
- he will fail 59% of the time if a result is required this round (B fails)
- he will succeed 1% of the time if a result is required this round (B fumbles too)
Total chances for A in this contest
Critical - 10%
Success - 81%
Fail - 8.8%
Lose to Crit - 0.2%
Opposed tests are made as normal skill checks - so critical and fumble rules are in effect. Characters with a skill over 100% roll as normal with the reduced chance to fail and the increased chance to critical.
- character A criticals, B fumbles or fails - A gets a (critical) success
character A criticals, B succeeds - A gets a (normal) success
character A succeeds, B fumbles - A gets a (critical) success
character A succeeds, B fails - A gets a (normal) success
Both characters succeed or both critical - the highest roll wins- - If Rolls are tied and both succeed or both critical then work down this list
(1) If one character has a skill of > 100 and the other doesnt, then he wins
(2) If "temporary stalemate" is an option, roll again next round**
(3) The highest skill wins - if skills are tied and a "temporary stalemate" is not an option*** roll again immediately
- (1) If "both fail" is an option, then both fail*
(2) If "temporary stalemate" is an option, roll again next round (B tkes a -10% penalty)**
(3) A gets a normal success
- (1) If one character has a skill of > 100 and the other doesnt, then he wins
(2) If "both fail" is an option, then both fail*
(3) If "temporary stalemate" is an option, roll again next round**
(4) The highest skill wins
- - If Rolls are tied and both succeed or both critical then work down this list
** eg an attempt to sneak past a guard - the sneak gets part way, but then has to wait as the guard appears suspicious
*** eg a contest to be the first character to grab the Rune...
Some examples.
Character A has a skill of 60%, B has a skill of 40%
A will critical on 1-6, succeed 7-60, fail 61-99, fumble 00
B will critical on 1-4, succeed 5-40, fail 41-99, fumble 00
If A rolls a critical (6%)
- he will achieve an overall critical 60% of the time (B fails or fumbles)
- he will achieve an overall success 36% of the time (B succeeds) + ~2.3% (B crits but rolls less)
- he will lose 1% of the time (B crits and rolls higher)
- there will be a tie ~0.7% of the time (both roll the same value in the range 1-4) - A will win if a result is required this round
If A succeeds (54%)
- he will achieve a critical 1% of the time (B fumbles)
- he will succeed 59% of the time (B fails) +~24.8% (B succeeds but rolls less)
- he will lose 4% of the time (B criticals) +~10.4% (B succeds & rolls more)
- there will be a tie ~.8% which A will win if a result is required
If A fails (39%)
- He will succeed 60% of the time, but only if a result is required this round and B fumbles (1%) or fails (59%)
- he will fail 36% of the time (B succeeds)
- he will fail to a critical 4% of the time (B Criticals)
If A fumbles (1%)
- he will fail to a critical 40% of the time (B criticals or succeeds)
- he will fail 59% of the time if a result is required this round (B fails)
- he will succeed 1% of the time if a result is required this round (B fumbles too)
Total chances for A in this contest
Critical - 4%
Success - 71%
Fail - 22.5%
Lose to Crit - 2.5%
Character A has a skill of 110%, B has a skill of 90%
A will critical on 1-11, succeed 12-95, fail 96-99, fumble 00
B will critical on 1-9, succeed 10-90, fail 91-99, fumble 00
If A rolls a critical (11%)
- he will achieve an overall critical 10% of the time (B fails or fumbles)
- he will achieve an overall success 81% of the time (B succeeds) + ~5.8% (B crits but rolls = or less)
- he will lose ~3.2% of the time (B crits and rolls higher)
- there will be no tie as a is >100% and B isn't
If A succeeds (84%)
- he will achieve a critical 1% of the time (B fumbles)
- he will succeed 9% of the time (B fails) +~44.5% (B succeeds but rolls less)
- he will lose 9% of the time (B criticals) +~36.5% (B succeds & rolls more)
- there will be no tie as a is >100% and B isn't
If A fails (4%)
- He will succeed 10% of the time, but only if a result is required this round and B fumbles (1%) or fails (9%)
- he will fail 81% of the time (B succeeds)
- he will fail to a critical 9% of the time (B Criticals)
If A fumbles (1%)
- he will fail to a critical 90% of the time (B criticals or succeeds)
- he will fail 9% of the time if a result is required this round (B fails)
- he will succeed 1% of the time if a result is required this round (B fumbles too)
Total chances for A in this contest
Critical - 2%
Success - 55%
Fail - 42%
Lose to Crit - 1%
Character A has a skill of 160%, B has a skill of 140%
A will critical on 1-16, succeed 17-95, fail 96-99, fumble 00
B will critical on 1-14, succeed 15-95, fail 96-99, fumble 00
If A rolls a critical (16%)
- he will achieve an overall critical 10% of the time (B fails or fumbles)
- he will achieve an overall success 76% of the time (B succeeds) + ~7.3% (B crits but rolls less)
- he will lose ~5.9% of the time (B crits and rolls higher)
- there will be a tie ~0.8% of the time (both roll the same value in the range 1-4) - A will win if a result is required this round
If A succeeds (79%)
- he will achieve a critical 1% of the time (B fumbles)
- he will succeed 4% of the time (B fails) +~40.5% (B succeeds but rolls less)
- he will lose 14% of the time (B criticals) +~39.7% (B succeeds & rolls more)
- there will be a tie ~.8% which A will win if a result is required
If A fails (4%)
- He will succeed 5% of the time, but only if a result is required this round and B fumbles (1%) or fails (4%)
- he will fail 81% of the time (B succeeds)
- he will fail to a critical 14% of the time (B Criticals)
If A fumbles (1%)
- he will fail to a critical 95% of the time (B criticals or succeeds)
- he will fail 4% of the time if a result is required this round (B fails)
- he will succeed 1% of the time if a result is required this round (B fumbles too)
Total chances for A in this contest
Critical - 2%
Success - 49%
Fail - 47%
Lose to Crit - 2%
Character A has a skill of 160%, B has a skill of 40%
A will critical on 1-16, succeed 17-95, fail 96-99, fumble 00
B will critical on 1-4, succeed 5-40, fail 41-99, fumble 00
If A rolls a critical (16%)
- he will achieve an overall critical 60% of the time (B fails or fumbles)
- he will achieve an overall success 36% of the time (B succeeds) + ~2.9% (B crits but rolls less)
- he will lose ~1.1% of the time (B crits and rolls higher)
- there will be no tie as A is >100% and B isn't
this round
If A succeeds (79%)
- he will achieve a critical 1% of the time (B fumbles)
- he will succeed 59% of the time (B fails) +~31.7% (B succeeds but rolls less)
- he will lose 4% of the time (B criticals) +~4.3% (B succeeds & rolls more)
- there will be no tie as A is >100% and B isn't
If A fails (4%)
- He will succeed 60% of the time, but only if a result is required this round and B fumbles (1%) or fails (4%)
- he will fail 36% of the time (B succeeds)
- he will fail to a critical 4% of the time (B Criticals)
If A fumbles (1%)
- he will fail to a critical 40% of the time (B criticals or succeeds)
- he will fail 59% of the time if a result is required this round (B fails)
- he will succeed 1% of the time if a result is required this round (B fumbles too)
Total chances for A in this contest
Critical - 10%
Success - 81%
Fail - 8.8%
Lose to Crit - 0.2%