Mutants & Masterminds 2 : Babylon 5 adaptation



I like the work Mongoose done with the B5 background but I'd like to switch to another more flexible game system (but keeping the Mongoos B5 books for background), I consider several ones : Action!, Tri-Stat Dx, Gurps 4th, savage worlds, M&M.

Anyone know where I can find such system conversions ?

I'm sorry that I cannot give any specific advice but I might be able to suggest a way that you can go.

First I'd take a look around the Internet for a conversion from your chosen system to d20. That will give you a basis to work from, then I'd just convert over the basic stats (STR, DEX, CON) and then calculate the secondary ones from there.

I remember finding a GURPS (3rd ed) and Fuzion (very close to the Action system) B5 conversions; I don't know about the rest I'm afraid. I use Unisystem for my games, which is not much use to you alas!

Good luck!

Actually if you're looking for any type of conversion I'd recommend the following list of books:

WEG Star Wars 2nd edition: Revised and Expanded
WEG D6 Space and supplements
WotC Star Wars core book 1st edition

With those books you could try to convert B5 to the D6 system (a personal favorite of mine). Granted converting from D20 to D6 is rough to do (by design of WotC), but getting the other books should give you some guidelines.
Traveller-61 said:

I'm sorry that I cannot give any specific advice but I might be able to suggest a way that you can go.

First I'd take a look around the Internet for a conversion from your chosen system to d20. That will give you a basis to work from, then I'd just convert over the basic stats (STR, DEX, CON) and then calculate the secondary ones from there.

I remember finding a GURPS (3rd ed) and Fuzion (very close to the Action system) B5 conversions; I don't know about the rest I'm afraid. I use Unisystem for my games, which is not much use to you alas!

Good luck!

I have Buffy RPG so I knwo §Unisystem, I could be interested :D
faenril said:
I have Buffy RPG so I knwo §Unisystem, I could be interested :D

Maybe I can help after all :D
This is a link to a page where someone has done a few of the main races and the PPG for Unisystem.

It is a good start. Next thing is to look up the d20 to Unisystem conversions on the web. I cannot remember the exact addresses at the moment but I know there are a set of rules in the back of the revised edition of All Flesh Must Be Eaten. That should give you enough to start using the Mongoose material!

I am using classic Unisystem for my game rules and Mongoose B5 books for the setting, prices, maps etc, etc.

Traveller-61 said:
faenril said:
I have Buffy RPG so I knwo §Unisystem, I could be interested :D

Maybe I can help after all :D
This is a link to a page where someone has done a few of the main races and the PPG for Unisystem.

It is a good start. Next thing is to look up the d20 to Unisystem conversions on the web. I cannot remember the exact addresses at the moment but I know there are a set of rules in the back of the revised edition of All Flesh Must Be Eaten. That should give you enough to start using the Mongoose material!

I am using classic Unisystem for my game rules and Mongoose B5 books for the setting, prices, maps etc, etc.

thanks :D
faenril said:
I have Buffy RPG so I knwo §Unisystem, I could be interested :D

I've thought about this as well and was working through getting the basics up and going until Mongoose announced the D20 version...

Anyway, the one thing that strikes me is that the magic system in Buffy would work very nicely as a basis for the psionics system for B5 (Sorcery rating = P level for a kick off...) and the ability to exactly gauge abilities (= spells) vs cost and difficulty.

That said, I'm really impressed by the Serenity RPG that I've recently picked up and that would work pretty well as well (in effect Teeps would buy an extra attribute P Level, as a fixed number rather than as a die type and all telepathy skills would be based off of that).
The Serenity RPG is a nice piece of work. In fact a friend of mine lent me his copy to work out the combat / damage system for him and reading it made me want to watch the show and film. Good stuff!

It should be an easy job to convert it to B5, but I'm not sure that it would capture the flavour of the show, although it could work for a group of misfits based in Downbelow.

And trying to convert the B5 ships for the combat system could be a little "difficult"! :shock:

Traveller-61 said:
The Serenity RPG is a nice piece of work. In fact a friend of mine lent me his copy to work out the combat / damage system for him and reading it made me want to watch the show and film. Good stuff!

Yes indeedy :) It really does capture the feel of the show to my mind (oh, and has a deadly, vicious combat system ;)

Traveller-61 said:
It should be an easy job to convert it to B5, but I'm not sure that it would capture the flavour of the show, although it could work for a group of misfits based in Downbelow.

Some of the Traits would need to be renamed (and a couple dropped and new ones added) for the B5 Setting - they are very Firefly as they are.

I'll probably be using the system to run as is first (my likely player group are new to RPGs but adore the setting (despite being quite new to that as well...)).

Traveller-61 said:
And trying to convert the B5 ships for the combat system could be a little "difficult"! :shock:

I'd be inclined not to bother and just roll with the B5 Wars stats I'm most comfortable with :)
Well in fat I bought Mutants & Masterminds 2nd edition (I am fan of M&M) and I will use that system instad tri-stat, since it is D20-based, it sshould be easier.
1. Skills :

· Appraise : new skill (for M&M), untrained
· Balance : part of Acrobatics, only balance skills can be used untrained
· Bluff : no change
· Climb : no change
· Computer Use : Computer
· Concentration : Wisdom except Constitution
· Diplomacy : no change
· Disguise : no change
· Drive : no change
· Escape Artist : no change
· Forgery : part of Craft, trained only
· Gather Information : no change
· Hide : part of Stealth
· Intimidate : no change
· Jump : part of Acrobatics (for icrease of jump distance)
· Knowledge : available specialties : Aliens Languages, Physical Sciences (includes astrophysics et structural engineering not in M&M), History, Civics, Tactics, Telepathy, Sector, Star Systems, Arts, Behavorial Sciences, Business, Current Events, Earth Sciences, Life Sciences, Popular Culture, Streetwise, Technology, Theology and Philosophy
· Listen : part of Notice
· Medical : Medicine, trained only
· Move Silently : part of Stealth
· Perform : several specialties (acting, comedy, dance, keyboards, oratory, percussion instruments, singing, stringed instruments, wind instrumens)
· Pilot :no change, except the Space Craft Proficiency feat I keep
. Profession : no change
· Read Lips : bought as a extra laguage
· Search : no change
· Sense Motive : no change but several options
· Sleight of Hand : no change
· Speak Language : Language, 1 rank = 1 language
· Spot : part of Notice
· Survival : no change
· Swim : no change
· Technical : become Craft with specialties : Artistic, Chemical, Electronic, Mechanical, Structural
· Telepathy : no such skill in M&M but Power Check
· Tumble : Acrobatics
· Space Travel : new house skill created from Technical (Space Travel)
2. Races

· Minbari : Abilities : +2 STR, -2 CHA, Improved Initiative 1, +2 fortitude save.
§ Religious Caste : Specialty Skill Training (Knowledge: +2 to all knowledge skill)
§ Warrior Caste : Proficient With All non-exotic Weapons (7 feats : Melee, Grenade, Pistol, Rifle, Heavy, Vehicle, Spacecraft), Attack Specialisation 1
§ Worker Caste : Specialty Skill Training 2 (Profession and Craft : +2 to craft and profession skills)
faenril said:
I have begun converting to Tri-Stat.
Sweet! I have a Tri-Stat group that will appreciate this. The MnM 2nd Ed conversion is a great idea as well! Cool ideas! Keep them flowing!