I have a question to all you folks who are experienced with running combat in Conan. Thing is, I don't like the multiple opponent penalty (-1 to defense for each additional attacker), and am thinking about removing it. First of all, it seems like to much extra work to keep track of in large combats. Secondly, I think it messes with the cyclical nature of the round. Thats one of the things I like most about d20 combat, that there isn´t really any beginning or end of the rounds (except at the start of combat). What I mean is that there is no "your combat pool refreshes at the beginning of the round" stuff that you often have in other games. With the multiple opponent penalty there is though, and so you get situations were attackers with low initiative counts are likelier to hit.
So my question is, would it unbalance things terribly to just remove the penalty? And if so, do any of you have any smart ideas as to how to change it? One idea I had was to just raise the flanking bonus.
So my question is, would it unbalance things terribly to just remove the penalty? And if so, do any of you have any smart ideas as to how to change it? One idea I had was to just raise the flanking bonus.