Movement and races


I'm having a bit of a problem with movement. If an human and a dwarf have the exact same stats, why would the human move 8m instead of 6m per combat round?

Movement in general has me stomped. Everyone can move as far as everyone else, regardless of size, dex. or combat actions, so long as they are the same race, correct?
nightshifter said:
I'm having a bit of a problem with movement. If an human and a dwarf have the exact same stats, why would the human move 8m instead of 6m per combat round?
That is because:
1) The two species are physiologically different. I.e. One has longer legs, stride, centre of balance, etc
2) Most members of a species on average move at about the same speed
3) The values are too granular to reflect minor differences since it has to cater for creatures at the extreme ends of the scale.

Movement in general has me stomped. Everyone can move as far as everyone else, regardless of size, dex. or combat actions, so long as they are the same race, correct?
Yes in principle. However you could apply a bonus to movement of +1 for every 50 or 100% of their Athletics skill to represent the fact that you can improve your movement by training. You could potentially offer bonuses or penalties for SIZ too, but this runs the risk of making the game much more complex since raw STR or SIZ does not indicate potential speed, e.g. who should be faster, a strong obese man or a strong pygmy? :)
Instead of just adding to movement based on Athletics skill, you could allow them to make an Athetics skill roll once a round which would give them an additional 1 meter of movement for that round. This is a little more granular/subtle than just increasing base move.
