monkey magic rpg

I'm not up to reading the huge number of posts in this one today.

So I'll just mention what someone else must have already mentioned.

Monkey (or Monkey Magic) is based on "Journey to the West". Priest Sanzo is well, priest Sanzo. Monkey is not much different. They have a character that pigsie represents, but I forgot what. The other one (forgot more names) is supposed to be a Kappa I believe. (Kappa is a type of water spirit/demon/monster/whatever...)

I loved watching Monkey back in the 80s. Saw the first episode again last year. Still lots of fun, even though the FX have definitely aged. (Oddly enough, the still fit...)

I'm not sure, but although Priest Sanzo is supposed to be male, pretty much everyone has decided the actor is female.

An RPG in that setting could be cool. An anime named "Saiuki" is also based on that story. In Saiuki, Priest Sanzo is a title, not a name. With a concept like that, you could have lots of Sanzos out to recover the sacred scriptures or defeating evil.

Just random ideas. K-TTYL