The "exotic jump particles" was a phrase I used many years ago during a discussion of CotI. My fanon made it to canon
I have never been asked to expand on the idea and thus there is a bit of a misunderstanding.
1. There are no particles, or waves, just fields that can display particle and wave like properties depending on how you observe them etc. QED->QCD->QFT-?
2. The jump field can store energy until it collapses and opens a hole into jump space, you can consider the excitations in the field as particles - thus the collector is gathering particles - or you can consider the wave like nature propagating through the jump field - in which case you can consider the canopy as acting like wave collector.
3. The accumulator is where the jump energy is stored until it undergoes the symmetry collapse that opens the rift to jump space.
The closest approximation is the sombrero potential diagram for the Higgs, with the symmetry breaking a form of tachyonic condensation.