[minis] Street Gang


Seeing another miniature post, I thought I'd add one as well as I'm already tracking my progress with images :)

I bought a lot of kickstarter minis of someone who just lacked room - luckily I was a local, and huger Dredd fan with money :) However this led to me not knowing what to start painting - and my time is precious (I've a 6 month old). So I contacted friends likely to play, and asked them which gangs and characters they'd likely play. Here's the first that I started last night-

I found I had 8 scifi base inserts left over from another kickstarter and I saw the Street Gang had that many figures in it. So decorative bases added!


I'll add further images as I progress - they've been undercoated now, and if I can get Wil to sleep for at least a half hour or so tonight, I'll get some base colours done. I'll go with the box colour scheme (except with what paints I have :) )
Base colours done-


And I had a stroke of luck yesterday - My son slept through most of it. So I finished of the minis and varnished them:
