Jak Nazryth
This is the very first draft, mostly taken from T20 and other sources I've skimmed over the past few weeks.
This is NOT the final version and I would appreciate any and all comments and suggestions. Since T20 was the only official licensed Traveller rule book (I am aware of) that has Ursa as an officially written up Minor race, I'm leaning heavily on it. I'm simply converting a 3d6 stat based system to a 2d6 stat based system... rounding up or down where it makes sense.
My campaign starts next week.
One of the players has already told me he wants to play an Ursa. So I want to get this nailed down by this weekend.
Here you go...
Traveller Minor Race
Ursa are uplifted Bears from a experimental genetic program on Terra during the 2nd Impierium, or the “Rule of Man” as it is often referred to. The program was eventually closed down and many Ursa were exterminated, but enough escaped by there own initiative or with help from those sympathetic to their cause, fleeing Solimani space as far as they could go. The two primary areas where Ursa’s are the most prevalent are the Gateway Sector along the Trailing Edge of the 3rd Imperium, and in the wild regions Spinward of the 3rd Imperium.
One large stable Ursa Nation (They refer to themselves as "Murians") called the Altarian Confederation lies in the Vanguard Reach. While this is the only known multi-system government of, for, and by Ursa, there are still clans spread throughout the various border worlds and pocket empires on both sides of the 3rd Imperium.
Though rare, Ursa who are born, raised, and live within 3I borders are treated the same as any other citizen of the Imperium. As is with many other minor races, and non-human species, all citizens within the 3rd Impeirum are treated as equals under the law. However, because of their background many people view them as “lesser beings”. Unlike the Vargr, who were uplifted by the Ancients several hundred thousand years in the past… the same ancients that took Neanderthals and other early humans from Terra, spreading all over charted space, the Ursa were raised by humans on Terra only a mere two thousand or so years ago, thus not as “legitimate” as those uplifted by the ancients. Thus Ursa have a lower social status in most human space.
Ursa tend to have a gentle nature but are terrifying when roused to anger. They tend keep to themselves and are prone to not trust strangers at first, especially those who are Solimani by birth. Even though their social standing is low, 3I Ursa are sought after as shock troops or mercenaries. They are as large as Aslans, but don’t have an instinctual need to conquer new territory as do the Aslans. They’re size prevents them from being graceful, but they can still manipulate most human technology (Since the old Solimani Scientist designed their hands as larger versions of human hands)
Ursa still retrain clawed nails, though not as pronounced as their wild for-bearers. They do still however have a pronounced snout and large canines. Ursa are true omnivores but have an instinctual love of fish and other seafood, although they will eat and enjoy just about anything. Because of their size, shape and rarity, Ursa clothing and armor are twice the book price. Ursa clothing and armor found in Ursa dominated space, like the Altarian Confederation are 50% higher than book values, simply because of the extra material involved.
Base Stats
Str +3, Con +2, Dex -1, Int -1, Edu -1, Soc -2
Natural claws, +2 to brawling damage (Ursa can punch/pound/slap/hug without using claws if they so choose)
Large Sharp Teeth/Bite +3 to brawling damage (armor piercing on soft armor only???)
OK guys. Please tell me what seems right and what seems wrong.
This is NOT the final version and I would appreciate any and all comments and suggestions. Since T20 was the only official licensed Traveller rule book (I am aware of) that has Ursa as an officially written up Minor race, I'm leaning heavily on it. I'm simply converting a 3d6 stat based system to a 2d6 stat based system... rounding up or down where it makes sense.
My campaign starts next week.
One of the players has already told me he wants to play an Ursa. So I want to get this nailed down by this weekend.
Here you go...
Traveller Minor Race
Ursa are uplifted Bears from a experimental genetic program on Terra during the 2nd Impierium, or the “Rule of Man” as it is often referred to. The program was eventually closed down and many Ursa were exterminated, but enough escaped by there own initiative or with help from those sympathetic to their cause, fleeing Solimani space as far as they could go. The two primary areas where Ursa’s are the most prevalent are the Gateway Sector along the Trailing Edge of the 3rd Imperium, and in the wild regions Spinward of the 3rd Imperium.
One large stable Ursa Nation (They refer to themselves as "Murians") called the Altarian Confederation lies in the Vanguard Reach. While this is the only known multi-system government of, for, and by Ursa, there are still clans spread throughout the various border worlds and pocket empires on both sides of the 3rd Imperium.
Though rare, Ursa who are born, raised, and live within 3I borders are treated the same as any other citizen of the Imperium. As is with many other minor races, and non-human species, all citizens within the 3rd Impeirum are treated as equals under the law. However, because of their background many people view them as “lesser beings”. Unlike the Vargr, who were uplifted by the Ancients several hundred thousand years in the past… the same ancients that took Neanderthals and other early humans from Terra, spreading all over charted space, the Ursa were raised by humans on Terra only a mere two thousand or so years ago, thus not as “legitimate” as those uplifted by the ancients. Thus Ursa have a lower social status in most human space.
Ursa tend to have a gentle nature but are terrifying when roused to anger. They tend keep to themselves and are prone to not trust strangers at first, especially those who are Solimani by birth. Even though their social standing is low, 3I Ursa are sought after as shock troops or mercenaries. They are as large as Aslans, but don’t have an instinctual need to conquer new territory as do the Aslans. They’re size prevents them from being graceful, but they can still manipulate most human technology (Since the old Solimani Scientist designed their hands as larger versions of human hands)
Ursa still retrain clawed nails, though not as pronounced as their wild for-bearers. They do still however have a pronounced snout and large canines. Ursa are true omnivores but have an instinctual love of fish and other seafood, although they will eat and enjoy just about anything. Because of their size, shape and rarity, Ursa clothing and armor are twice the book price. Ursa clothing and armor found in Ursa dominated space, like the Altarian Confederation are 50% higher than book values, simply because of the extra material involved.
Base Stats
Str +3, Con +2, Dex -1, Int -1, Edu -1, Soc -2
Natural claws, +2 to brawling damage (Ursa can punch/pound/slap/hug without using claws if they so choose)
Large Sharp Teeth/Bite +3 to brawling damage (armor piercing on soft armor only???)
OK guys. Please tell me what seems right and what seems wrong.