Menace of Magnamund

blue crane

Dear Sir,

To tie in with the Lone Wolf 'M'-theme, are we likely to see something along these lines next year?

Yours faithfully,
Blue Crane
Monsters... Minions... Masters... Municipalities... Musicals... Monkeynuts...

By Jiminy... the potentials are almost endless!

Might of Magnamund is the next proposed book, I'm not yet sure if its writing has been approved yet.

Matt Sprange has invited people to send in ideas to write 64 page adventure books for a few lines (Conan, Starship Troopers and Lone wolf, to name some), so expect to see LW adventure books next year!
columbob said:
Might of Magnamund is the next proposed book, I'm not yet sure if its writing has been approved yet.

I hope we see Might of Magnamund. I also hope we see a Menace of Magnamund (bestiary) and a Magnamund Gazette (ala Road of Kings).