LFD rule states that a when character reaches -10 he is "dead to the casual observer". Changing the MD rules to put peopl eto this state makes sense from a story perspective, I suppose, but the rest of the LFD rule starts to confuse things a bit (unless that's changed as well in AE).
If a -10 LFD character is healed 1 or more points of damage within 1 hour of being LFD, he is considered stable and at -9 HP. Key here is stable.
If he get's no aid/healing, he needs to make a DC20 FORT save after 1 hour. Passing this and he is considered stable and at -9 HP. Key here again is stable.
Stable is classified as being between -9 and -1 HP (normally Dying) and passing the 10% test to become stable. Failing this roll means the character loses 1 HP and if he drops to -10, he's flat out dead. SO, it's easier to die when between -9 and -1 HP, it just takes a couple of rounds longer. :shock:
Recovering on one's own makes things worse by stating that there is a 10% change to become concious each hour and failing this roll loses the character 1HP. Stable as noted above that on the same page means that the character no longer loses HP, so I'm not sure how this all tracks. It's seems like one bit contradicts the other.
What's more is that there's no mention of this MD change or changes to other parts of the damage and healing section listed in the PDF that Mongoose just put out denoting the changes between 1st printing and AE.
I don't know what to tell ya, Trodox. I read it the first time but didn't disect it. It seems like a better route woul dbe to have reaching -10 HP by any means equate to LFD. Once a character is there, he rolls to see if he dies per those rules and if he does, too bad. That makes the most sense to me, and it seems to reflect some of the changed (at lest in terms of MD) that were made in the AE.