Massive damage in Dredd


What do you think about the idea that I had about changing Massive damage in Dredd from 50 to 20. Would it be too drastic change?

Erm... sorry SnowDog. Could you refresh my memory? What exactly do you mean by massive damage?

If you get that amount of damage from a single attack the character have to make a fortitude save, IIRC or die :twisted:

I think it is 50 in D&D thus it is 50 in JD as well but Mongoose dropped it to 20 in Conan to make the game a bit more deadly. On the other hand I don't have any experience with d20 system games and that's why I have to make these questions :oops:

Oh, I understand now. I don't think it should be dropped in Judge Dredd though.

Judges are extremely tough and can wipe out a large group of perps (arresting some, killing others) without too much difficulty. Dropping the damage to 20 would mean that the Judges killed too many perps and the iso-cubes would all be empty.

I think Judge Dredd is already very dangerous for perps, and Judges are supposed to be extremely tough. With their equipment and 15 years of intensive training, they should not be easy to drop.

I am going to experiement with the d20 Modern version tonight, where if you take damage in excess of your Con stat you are put down, and have to make a damage save or be reduced to -1 hp. The damage has to be from a single hit, after modification (for example a spit gun can't do it unless its a critical on one of the rolls). Given that its down to -1 rather than dead, it should mean Perps aren't killed more often (its another 9 rounds before you are dead).

We play a death save at -10 (unless instantly reduced to -10), with characters being able to linger at deaths door (to simulate the advanced medical technology of MC-1)

d20 Cthulhu has its threshold set at 10 and thats still playable.
Hmm, sounds like an interesting idea if it works. Let us know how you get on with that Hass.

I also played with the -10 = dead rule, and many perps have been saved by stabilizing after the fire fighting has ended.

I actually like the massive damage rule - it reminds players once in a while - and it really only is once in a while - that they are not immortal. I think it keeps them on thier toes if they know one lucky shot could kill them outright - and this _should_ be the case - without that rule players could just walk into anything without having to stop and think. Not very realistic - I couldn't see even Judge Dredd himself not worrying about being hit by a few bullets just because he is so tough. He keeps his head down when he needs to just like everyone else!