Good to hear it was useful, poor poodles. What grade of cyberware were they using?
My PC's had a rough time with the Cyberwolf as well. Used the one out of the example and they could barely get past it's DR. One of the characters has get a cyberleg installed now
I'm almost done working out the Bio-replacement section. I think I've figured out most of that section that was giving me problems.
Starting prelim work on game mechanics. Pricing, restrictions, install DC's etc as well as aquatic, bipedial, and flying animals.
Also sketching out ideas for the 'Handler' class along with Equipment, Skills, and Feats. Not sure if the class would be worth it. The thought of a Street Beastmaster spying around the corner through the eyes of his semi-faithful rat sure makes a pretty picture in my head. Wish I knew an artist who worked for free :lol:
As for releasing it formally under OGL... If I knew how I might. I read up a bit on it and it seems I'd need to get Mongoose's permission to claim compatibility with their Cybernet as well as myriad other things I don't understand.