Magnamund calendar

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Just to add a bit of colour to the world, has anyone thought about the months and days of the magnamund year? As far as i know, the only things mentioned are fehmarn and Maesmarn (the first days of spring and winter) and Luneday(mentioned in greystar2)
i think Sommersmarn could be included(first day of summer), and as for days of the week in no particular order:
I don't know...would you really want to have Naarsday every week in Sommerlund or Durenor? or anywhere outside of the Darklands for that matter?
Maybe. I was thinking sommlending would consider it a day of ill omen, but thats all. I assume most regular people on magnamund are allied with the balance, and so not particularly upset by the name. I seem to remember several exclamations in the books ( by Naar!, for ishirs sake! etc to suggest that most people dont have a problem with using that. Of course hero types are unlikely to be so flipant.
I would think that those exclamations would be similar to what we do here on earth, saying things like, "Holy hell!" or "What the devil?" I would expect people from Magnamund to do the same, even if aligned pretty much with good.

On the same note, the days of our week were named after celestial bodies, if I'm not mistaken? Sunday (obviously), Monday (moon), Saturday (Saturn), Wednesday (which I think is a manipulation of Woden...? A Norse god? I may be way off here). Anyway, it's a fine idea, but, unless I can be corrected, the people of Magnamund would likely not put the gods into everyday (so to speak) reference.

I would like to know if the days of the week, if any, are named, somewhere.

The seven day week was originally a Roman invention and used the names of Roman gods. Later in England and Northern Europe the Norse gods were used to name the days.

Monday is day of the moon godess, Luna or Mani
Tuesday is named for Tiw (or Tyr) god of war and son of Odin.
Wednesday is from Woden's (Odin's) Day
Thursday - Thor's Day
Friday from Frigga (Freya) the mother goddess
Saturday from Saturn, Roman god of farming
Sunday - Day of the Sun.

So in Summerlund I can imagine a Kai's Day and Ishir's Day but not Naar's.

As for others, are there any other Gods in the magnamund Pantheon? What was the name of Kai and Ishir's child? Perhaps there should be a Nyxday (named for Nyxator).
Nerethel said:
I would think that those exclamations would be similar to what we do here on earth, saying things like, "Holy hell!" or "What the devil?" I would expect people from Magnamund to do the same, even if aligned pretty much with good.

On the same note, the days of our week were named after celestial bodies, if I'm not mistaken? Sunday (obviously), Monday (moon), Saturday (Saturn), Wednesday (which I think is a manipulation of Woden...? A Norse god? I may be way off here). Anyway, it's a fine idea, but, unless I can be corrected, the people of Magnamund would likely not put the gods into everyday (so to speak) reference.

I would like to know if the days of the week, if any, are named, somewhere.


Wednesday, IIRC, is named after Odin. Thursday after Thor, and Friday after another one...can't remember right now.

Well, I was beaten to it in a much more informative way! :D
Though I'm not an expert, I think Wednesday is indeed named after the Germanic god Wotan/Wodan (or, in the Norse form, Odin). Tuesday is also named after a Germanic god (Tius), as well as Thursday (Donar/Thor/Thunor) and Friday (Freija/Freia).
columbob said:
and Friday after another one...can't remember right now.

Perhaps from Freia the wife of Odin?

In french this is the same kind of God origin but obviously in a more Roman way...

To come back to the original proposition, I'm not found of a "Naarday". I think that in the world of Magnamund (where gods "REALLY" exists) this is not as simple as in our real world...
Ok it seems Naarsday is best left out, but Nyxday(i guess pronounced nikesday) would seem to fit. kai and Ishirs son is Ailendar, so you could have Ailensday as well. I think that makes it


Of course, the drakkarim or evil nations could use Naarsday, Zantazday, Karaushnithsday,vurnosday,Xhagvashday,Tharraynsday and Agarashday.Better yet suffix nadul (giak for night) instead of day:

Tharraynnadul and Agarashnadul

As for months of the year, traditionally some are named after historical figures(roman) such as Julius(july),Augustus(august) etc, and some after gods(i think March is named after Mars, but dont quote me.)This assumes a dominant culture predating other younger cultures(romans in the real world), and so maybe the elder Magi may have given names to the months of the year. In which case they may have mystical conotations, or maybe named after true dragons.Only Nyxator is named, unless Mongoose have an unrevealed list from Mr Dever. That way, The darklords would probably name their months after the false dragons(Maligna and Sinnigar)
Or we could really throw a twist in the thought process and ask if we ought to have a seven-day week instead of some other number. You know, I remember reading somewhere, I think in one of the old LW Newsletters on Project Aon, that Joe had designed the whole star system Magnamund is part of. I wonder if he knows its Revolution and rotation periods and such? Not that we can really ask...
As a Swede I can explain that Friday(in Swedish Fredag) is named after Frej (or Frey in English) which is the male counterpart of Freja the female fertility godess. Frey or Frö means seed and the word frö is still used in the Swedish language.

And as your thought of weekdays in Magnamund, why would they necessarily have a seven day week or even a week at all? How long is a Magnamund year? Is it measured in phases of the moon (the word month comes from that I guess) or in turns around the sun. I guess that a lot of local differences can occur in a world as vast as Magnamund.