LW in S&P !


Hmmm... I was expecting some LW articles in the free S&P roleplayer but it seems to be a dream not coming true...

What's up?
and as a side note

Is there any way to get hold of the character classes from S&P back issues, due to the excessive difficulty in acquiring back issues? I'd quite like the vagabond and Toranese archer available for my players
Yeah good idea... I would have downloaded those if I knew lone wolf d20 existed before...
steeldragon54 said:
and as a side note

Is there any way to get hold of the character classes from S&P back issues, due to the excessive difficulty in acquiring back issues? I'd quite like the vagabond and Toranese archer available for my players

What's excessively difficult about it? Just go to Mongoose's online store and click on it. :)
The magazine is still pretty cheap. If you desperately want an article, just go ahead and pay a few dollars and throw the rest of it away...

What's difficult about it is my lack of paypal or credit card, for the online store, and the inability to get the actual magazine in my local gaming store

thus, excessive difficulty ;)
Frozenblaze said:
Paying for a few pages is the difficulty...mostly.

My Toranese archer is well worth £3.50. :lol: Go buy it now.

Steeldragon, Mongoose take Paypal, if that's any help.
steeldragon54 said:
What's difficult about it is my lack of paypal or credit card, for the online store, and the inability to get the actual magazine in my local gaming store

thus, excessive difficulty ;)

Well, if you have the money, but are not old enough to have a credit card or paypal, surely you could give the money to your parents or someone and have them purchase it using their credit card?

"There are no problems, only opportunities for solutions."

Silver Fox said:
Mongoose Sharpy said:
Sabbak said:
Thanks for the debate guys :p but what about my question:


All right, calm down!

Lone Wolf scenario in issue 32.

Cool, but what about after that? Anything pencilled in for later on?

Wow, you could at least savour the moment for a few minutes. A nice shiney scenario coming in three weeks... after that... who knows... but you are now talking about 7 weeks out. Enjoy the moment :)

Of course, if you really want another nice article in S&P, you could always submit one...

There has been a lot of work at www.towerofthesun.com to try and work together and individually to create articles for S&P, if any of you have ideas you should head over to the tower to lend a hand.

Mongoose Sharpy said:
Sabbak said:
Thanks for the debate guys :p but what about my question:


All right, calm down!

Lone Wolf scenario in issue 32.

That IS a good news!

You see, sometimes it's really usefull to raise the voice... and that's a teacher speaking here... :wink:
Sabbak, I think that now should be the appropriate time for you to post your maps in Signs and Portents. Revisiting the Guide to the lastland should be an interesting thing, adding more information and campaign stuff... Don't you think so ? More people in the Tower should publish material on our beloved magnamund and your maps could need a second life in S&P...
Why not?
But it seems that my maps don't fit the appropriate standarts to be published in an official (even if electronic and free) publication...

But I'll follow your advice and ask again...

Anyway, that is not what I can call "new" material. Many people have already downloaded these maps and I am close to think that S&P deserve better than just recycling old (even not so old) things.