frobisher said:
Roman, what system are you using? Curiosity more than anything else
Why, GURPS of course. I thought I wrote that some post before... I always use GURPS - ever since I stumbled upon it, oh, 12 or so years ago.
I just really like the way it provides lots of possibilities for Any BG story - you just need one system to learn. And a GM can make it as complex or easy as he desires, adding or ignoring rules as he wants or needs. And it provides many examples to spin your own stuff from (a PPG isn't
Quite a Plasma Blaster, but similar enough that you can start with those stats and adjust them to catch the feel from the show...), as well as costimization possibilities for the provided stuff (enhancements and limitations for advantages, psionics, etc.) And of course the "free character generation", where you can build the character as you imagine them (within the allowed points limit of course - but I loove the thought of taking disadvantages for extra points to spend; it just is soo nice to have characters with built-in imperfetions...).
I have some experience with translating stuff to GURPS already - did Dragonlance and Ravenloft, Battletech and Shadowrun and experienced StarTrek and Warhammer (yees, a few of my friends also translate stuff into GURPS - we all like that system)
But it's slow going, which also comes from me being a perfectionist, and waiting for Mongoose stuff before I get to the final version - I just hate the thought of getting contradicted by published material - there's always a player who gets those supplements too eventually, and then gives me grief about it... hope they won't throw the bit of BG extensions I had to write for the Dilgar and some completely original stuff for a race (actually two races if one were to be nitpicking) of Valen's War ShadowMinions by accident - sure I could make the adventure idea I had for a later stage of my campaign "alternate reality", but I'd like to have as little clashes with established BG as possible... so I'm gonna wait with the restart of my campaign until Mongoose has at least done the big four, and maybe the Shadows (so I can make lots of alterations from the stuff I spun based on the rather limited info I had from the CEE game and the Sierra CD-rom - and from B5W of course, who even though they were more interested in the ships did a great job spinning together the histories - well, mostly, they also had their blunders... but then, who doesn't? If I had made all that stuff, I'd have avoided what I see as their errors, sure, I can say that... but I'm certain I'd have made twice as many of my own).