League of Non-Aligned Worlds Fact Book


I just bought the book and generally I really like it althought there are some things I'm missing:
1. The minor league races. A short feature would have been really interesting. I don't even know how a Hyach, Hurr or Grome looks like. Will they be featured ins some future book?
2. Pictures!!! It would be really useful if there were pictures of ALL the ships, vehicles and weapons. There are not even detailed descriptions, how they look like. For the ships I have the old B5 Wars books, but I don't think everyone is so lucky. Okay some of the ships are never seen in the series, but why not do CGI or illustrations. I think that's something that everyone would appreciate instead of using blurry pictures from the series, especially if you use the same pictures several times in the same book.
Catlion said:
1. The minor league races. A short feature would have been really interesting. I don't even know how a Hyach, Hurr or Grome looks like. Will they be featured ins some future book?

I think there has been enough interest that we will get one or two more volumes, giving us the rest of the League races.

2. Pictures!!! It would be really useful if there were pictures of ALL the ships, vehicles and weapons. There are not even detailed descriptions, how they look like.

I couldn't agree more here with regards to ships and vehicles. The EA fact book is better than the other race fact books because it does have pictures of the ships and other military vehicles. It helps to have something to show players who don't know what most of the ships look like, since we only see a few different types in the show.
Try this link http://b5ccg.mahasamatman.com/ and poke around. Get to know the search function. It's to a site still devoted to the old CCG. While you won't find everything you want (and the CCG shows the Sh'lassens as decidedly alien), it should give you a good start.

The card "What Are You?" shows a Grome.

When Londo takes Lennier out playing poker (I forget the name of the episode) one of the players of the card game (with the funky nostrils) is a Hurr. Hyachs have "lobes" on the back of their heads (which kind of makes it look like they have a butt on the back of the head). If you look on page 172 of the main book, the aliens on either side of the back row are Hyach. I believe that the alien on the lower right side might be a Hurr.

Some of the ships are shown on the Fleet cards, but you'll only get the main ones, Sunhawk, Battleglobe, etc.
Can of the Cave Beer said:
While you won't find everything you want (and the CCG shows the Sh'lassens as decidedly alien), it should give you a good start.

Which actually concurs with the Earth Alliance Fact Book, which contradicts the Coming of Shadows on this point (my gut feeling is alien though as that sits better with me).