Any one here concerned that even a 200 page book will not be able to fully unfold the...what?....dozen or so races that form the league? Not sure exactly what August has in mind here but I'm offering an alternative suggestion to deal with some of this.
Rather than a single book, why not release each league race as downloadable PDF file that you buy from Mongoose. Each month a race would be released with history, ships, prestige classes, base classes, racial equipment etc. for use, review and general play.
Once 4 or 5 of the races have been released (assuming the total represents a fairly large page count) a hard cover compilation can be released with a discount to those who have previously bought the PDF files. The new hard cover would incorporate comments, errata, correct TYPOS and add pictures and such.
This method can be used for the other non-league worlds and the subsquent hardcover books can simply be called Babylon 5 Races 1, 2, 3 etc., or some such thing. It also provides a easy way to maintain a regular flow of B5 stuff and "hopefully" avoid some of the dead time we all seem to hate.
The discount would be based on the number of league PDF files you bought for that given book. Buy all the PDF files and you'd be down to shipping and handling of the final book and some small additional printing fees. Those who don't want to buy the PDF's can buy the main book several months down the line. Those who only buy a few of the PDF files get a smaller discount.
Mongoose Staff Opinions???
August Opinions????
--- Rich
Rather than a single book, why not release each league race as downloadable PDF file that you buy from Mongoose. Each month a race would be released with history, ships, prestige classes, base classes, racial equipment etc. for use, review and general play.
Once 4 or 5 of the races have been released (assuming the total represents a fairly large page count) a hard cover compilation can be released with a discount to those who have previously bought the PDF files. The new hard cover would incorporate comments, errata, correct TYPOS and add pictures and such.
This method can be used for the other non-league worlds and the subsquent hardcover books can simply be called Babylon 5 Races 1, 2, 3 etc., or some such thing. It also provides a easy way to maintain a regular flow of B5 stuff and "hopefully" avoid some of the dead time we all seem to hate.
The discount would be based on the number of league PDF files you bought for that given book. Buy all the PDF files and you'd be down to shipping and handling of the final book and some small additional printing fees. Those who don't want to buy the PDF's can buy the main book several months down the line. Those who only buy a few of the PDF files get a smaller discount.
Mongoose Staff Opinions???
August Opinions????
--- Rich