Hello, friends.
Recently I've gotten back into the fine and fancy Judge Dredd RPG, and with a common interest in another RPG featuring some dude named Cthulhu and all that calling he does, I discovered something.
Many CoC adventures, especially older ones, don't really jibe with traditional Lovecraftian horror. They're much pulpier, with the "Mythos tango" effect firmly in place. Many of them revolve around someone turning up dead and the investigation into why they died, followed by an encounter with a nightmare monster that can usually just be dealt with via heavy firepower.
Needless to say, as a Lovecraft puritan, that's not always my style.
The style that it does fit, however, is classic 2000AD. And I found with some conversion to accommodate time and tech level, pulpy classic CoC adventures can be given a new, slick coating of paint and be placed in Mega-City One. Sanity loss mechanics are effectively ignored, given that Judges live on the edge of madness every day. A guy who kills someone to summon a deity is the same as any other perp, and a creep is a creep even if he is half fish monster.
This brings me to my next question: Would the Traveller rules for aliens work well when it comes to designing Lovecraft entities? I know Chthonian stars intended to provide that, but since it went under and became The Void, I need another solution for my tentacled space horrors.
Recently I've gotten back into the fine and fancy Judge Dredd RPG, and with a common interest in another RPG featuring some dude named Cthulhu and all that calling he does, I discovered something.
Many CoC adventures, especially older ones, don't really jibe with traditional Lovecraftian horror. They're much pulpier, with the "Mythos tango" effect firmly in place. Many of them revolve around someone turning up dead and the investigation into why they died, followed by an encounter with a nightmare monster that can usually just be dealt with via heavy firepower.
Needless to say, as a Lovecraft puritan, that's not always my style.
The style that it does fit, however, is classic 2000AD. And I found with some conversion to accommodate time and tech level, pulpy classic CoC adventures can be given a new, slick coating of paint and be placed in Mega-City One. Sanity loss mechanics are effectively ignored, given that Judges live on the edge of madness every day. A guy who kills someone to summon a deity is the same as any other perp, and a creep is a creep even if he is half fish monster.
This brings me to my next question: Would the Traveller rules for aliens work well when it comes to designing Lovecraft entities? I know Chthonian stars intended to provide that, but since it went under and became The Void, I need another solution for my tentacled space horrors.