Judge Dredd Hardback Now Available!


Staff member
Physical copies of the Judge Dredd miniatures game rulebook (hardback and full colour throughout) are now available for mail order via Wargame Vault. We have recently recived copies here at Mongoose HQ, and they are just the ticket for picking a force or a quick reference during a game!


Judge Dredd is a 28mm skirmish game designed to be quick, easy to learn, and capable of handling the madness that is Mega-City One, from the powerful judges to the lowliest punk or mutant.

You can grab a copy at;

squattingmouse said:
There may be some problems here - it appears WQargames Vault don't have the most up to date version of the rulebook.

Worries unfounded - they do have the latest version.
Da Boss said:
Hope there are plenty available on Saturday!

There are 7, so I do not imagine they will be around for long (recommend you get here at 9am sharp to guarantee one!).

Still, if you miss out, I am sure we will have some other goodies for you :)
As the person who started the whole query thing I'll repeat what Matt has said here -

They do have the up to date version for printing but the version I got as a download was the older one. The inital email I recieved from Wargames Vault was from someone doing their job who didn't have all the information (the second email was not so courteous but that's a normal customer service thing). I have reordered a copy based on what Matt told me in the other thread I started (see the link in my first post).

So to summarise - it's a bit of confusion on their part and some high quality customer service from Wargames Vault (baring one individual) and Mongoose. I am eagerly awaiting my copy for a campaign starting soon.
Is there any reason this can't be advertised on the shop site too? One of my friends was trying to buy a copy but didn't know to look here.