The Bear is not wrong - it is a toss up as to which is the best Mongoose product to date. A Call to Arms or Paranoia XP (they both arrived at the office today. . . ).
Thursdays is games night, and we took a break from the Snow Witch campaign to play a little Call to Arms (Starship Troopers was going strong on other tables, but I digress). The Earth Alliance soundly proved that stealth was not a total shield for the Minbari (I was _way_ too arrogant with my Sharlin!), and a Sagittarius got a supremely lucky shot on a Tigara that was hounding it across the table. Must do better. . .
On yet another table, the Narn were once again getting trounced by the Centauri.
Still, all good fun, and we decided to begin a full-blown campaign of A Call to Arms (rules for this are provided in the box set) next week, on Wednesday. I feel the call of the ISA, and will be spending the weekend painting up enough White Stars to black out the sun!