Is Toran ruled by a baron in MS5000 or not?

Smiling Fox

I've found something that made me confused. In the old Magnamund Companion Toran was in year 5050 ruled not by a baron as the other Sommlending cities but by the city's guilds. I always thought that the city was left in the hands of the guilds when Sun Eagle became the first Kai Lord and had to give up his title as Baron of Toran. I suppose this transition could have happened later.
I guess no one knows when this transition happened?
In MS 5000 Toran is ruled by the Baron Karlo Vinas.

(this is directly from the Sommerlund book that I wrote with Joe, and Joe made sure to add any information that was pertinent to MS 5000)
Indeed. Remember that Rule by Guilds was a work in progress and did not happen over night (or even within a single generation). When in doubt, the text in the Sommerlund book should be seen as the current authoritative guide with Joe's blessing.

In the Magnamund Companion, the exact citation is "The Baronial Confederation of Toran - Although it is recognised as a baronial province, Toran is a confederation of guilds that dominates the social, political, and economic life of the city."

In my view, the text here above doesn't mean that there's no baron in Toran in MS 5050 (it is a Baronial confederation thus there must probably still be one baron), but more likely that the guilds of that territory have gained a considerable power that makes them dominate all the aspects of the life of the city, even if a baron is still present in Toran. That's not inconsistent with the fact Baron Karlo Vinas rules Toran in MS 5000 :).
Just so!

It's a little like many countries are still constitutional monarchies and have the Queen of England as their nominal ruler while parliaments and other governmental bodies do all the actual administration and wield the true executive power.
