I like VP/WP a lot too, but it's not at all the same as HP as used in Conan. I brought it up once berfore, in that thread I noted, and was reminded of all the reasons it wouldn't work in Conan.
In the VP/WP system, VP have to be depleted entirely before WP are diminished unles a Critical Hit is scored, in which case all damage goes directly to WP instead of VP.
There are various non-lethal damage levels involved in depleated VP, but they don't need to exist in Conan because of the way that type of damage works. In Conan, non-lethal damage works in concert with current HP. If your non-lethal damage equals you current HP your character is Staggered (you may make either a standard or move action each round but not both) and if non-lethal damage exceeds your current HP, you are Unconcious. Compared to a VP/WP system like Spycraft, all VP must be lost or special damage types (tasers, Zat'nik'tels, poisons that can instantly cause VP to drop to zero) where as in Conan the posibility continually fluctuates.
Crits are about the only way to really drop someone instantly in a VP/WP system, and that's why it is more suited to games where conventional modern firearms are present (Spycraft/SG1). More damage in one shot isn't as important as increased Threat Ranges and inflicting instantaneous brutal damage as a result. In Conan, inflicting 20+ points of damage above Armor DR forces a FORT Saving Throw versus DC10+half damage dealt. This is called a Massive Damage Save and failure results in instantly dropping to zero HP and dying (unless some of the damage inflicted was somehow nonleathal, in which case the victim is merely Unconcious). At mid-range Experience Levels, this system is much more deadly and is so as a direct result of character Strength as well as other genre related close combat Feats.
I'm not trying to refute the VP/WP system used in some other games, nor am I trying to change your mind about using it in Conan. But since the point of this thread is to determine if Conan is the game for you, I'd say "it is" if you want to use the very cool, very brutal combat and damage system inherent to it, and "it is not" if you want to try something else. I truly feel insterting a VP/WP system will work for a while, but that the system as is in the book is far superior and you'd be much happier with if you tried it out.
What are the points you like about a VP/WP system specifically, unless I've covered counter arguments already (which I probably have - lol).
PS. See Argo, you aren't the only one who can type a novella's worth of texxt in a simple, casual response....