Interesting comment at ENWorld

i hope this is true :lol:
an epic hyborean campaign would be awesome!!

I'll have to check out the drow wars, it sounds like Adrian did a solid job, i hope we can expect the same from an Hyborian Epic campaign :twisted:
Belkregos said:
i hope this is true :lol:
an epic hyborean campaign would be awesome!!

I'll have to check out the drow wars, it sounds like Adrian did a solid job, i hope we can expect the same from an Hyborian Epic campaign :twisted:

It's totally true. I should know!

- Adrian
Is this something just being started or is this epic campaign being finished?

Also, will the designers want any sort of imput from players? (well, that could be scary, ugly).

Will this epic be tied very close to Conan d20 system, or is there going to be room for conversion to other systems?

Being the odd (very odd) guy out, I was just wondering.
Belkregos said:
any idea by when could we expect it to be out? end of the year? some time next?

Well, I wouldn't even have mentioned it at all if Matt hadn't done so first. ;)

I can't give you a timeline, because there are other factors in play that I can't go into, but Mongoose definitely want me to write it and I definitely want to write it, and the proposal went down very well, so...

I love the Conan system. Its author is in fact one of my oldest friends, and I've GMed it for him on several occasions. You've not really played a game until you've pulled its writer up on one of his own rules!
Cavalorn said:
You've not really played a game until you've pulled its writer up on one of his own rules!

This, of course, has never happened to me. Nope. Not once.

Me (in authoritative voice): 'Messantia blah blah Merchant Houses blah King Milo blah blah.'

GM: 'That's not what you wrote in the book. I quote from page 47 'blah blah blah...''

Me: 'Shut up.'

Other players (to me): 'You're an idiot.'

Me: *growl* 'Let's just go to Tarantia.'
Cavalorn said:
Well, I wouldn't even have mentioned it at all if Matt hadn't done so first. ;)

I can't give you a timeline, because there are other factors in play that I can't go into, but Mongoose definitely want me to write it and I definitely want to write it, and the proposal went down very well, so...

It’s good to know we have this to look forwards to, the Conan’s “upcoming release” section is looking kind of sparse,
But man, An Epic Conan Tale (comparable to the 3 book drow wars) would certainly make up for the lack, and the year!!!
So guys, GET TO WORK!!! :shock: :lol:
-Whip cracking in the background :D
Belkregos said:
Cavalorn said:
Well, I wouldn't even have mentioned it at all if Matt hadn't done so first. ;)

I can't give you a timeline, because there are other factors in play that I can't go into, but Mongoose definitely want me to write it and I definitely want to write it, and the proposal went down very well, so...

It’s good to know we have this to look forwards to, the Conan’s “upcoming release” section is looking kind of sparse,
But man, An Epic Conan Tale (comparable to the 3 book drow wars) would certainly make up for the lack, and the year!!!
So guys, GET TO WORK!!! :shock: :lol:
-Whip cracking in the background :D

That's right! Get to work kind sir - this ain't no high flatulent sci-fi setting with a bunch of yapping on treaties and stuff - this is Hyboria! We want action! :lol: :P

Yes. I would wait in the freezing rain for my copy of this epic.