Infernum rules questions

Greetings all
the questions are

1. Chain of form (pg 200), are the chosen mutations gained by the chain, limited to chains previously chosen or randomly generated?

2. Wings. Chain of wings (pg218), the mutation allows you to form wings. The first Fiend mutation gives you wings. Can a fiend hide his wings? If a fiend takes chain of wings , can he reverse it to hide his wings?

3. sorcery, gaining rituals (pg 232), the book says youget 1 ritul per skill level. is this limited to the summoning/binding/warding chains, or can the grimoire rituals be chosen. Or do the grimoire rituals even need to be chosen (pg. 236 says they are commonly known)?

all for now thanks.
1. Nope. The alternate form can have totally different mutations.

2. Fiends can't hide their wings normally. Taking chain of wings would allow him to retract the wings.

3. Basically, your first three ranks in the Sorcery skill must be 'spent' on Summoning I, Binding I and Warding I. After that, you can pick any spell you want at each skill level as long as you meet the prerequisites.
Another Question:

I am trying to determine the base movement rate of Demons, but I seem to be missing where it is clearly stated....

Book one gives the movement rate of Artificers as being 20 ft, and that of Stalkers as being 30 ft, which would lead me to believe the standard demon movement rate for the other classes is 25 ft.

But book two gives a number of varient demon types and movement, and it seems to be around 30'.

Where is it stated what the standard movement rate for demons is?

Thank you

3. Basically, your first three ranks in the Sorcery skill must be 'spent' on Summoning I, Binding I and Warding I. After that, you can pick any spell you want at each skill level as long as you meet the prerequisites.[/quote]

Ahh, I can see where I have done this wrong in my campaign to date, and a certain low level Zethu Sorcerer is going to have to re-design his character.


Another question popped up last game session, and I am unclear exactly how it goes:

The question resolved aroud Feat progression (if any) for Demon Characters. Book 1 clearly states the progression path for feats for Mortals, and also states that they receive stats increase every 4 levels, but from reading that paragraph I am a little unsure exactly how often Demons would gain additional Feats.

Do Demon Characters receive Stats increase every 4th level?

How often (levels) do demon characters gain additional feats.


Mongoose Gar said:
All classes follow the standard d20 progression - a feat every 3 levels and a stat increase every 4.

That's what my son told me, but I couldn't find it in the rule book (except when it specifically talked about Mortals). thanks Again.
1. What happened in combat when a demon goes below -1 hit points?

Can he/she/it still fight?
How many (what actions) can he/she/it take?
If the demon is incapacitated, can it do anything to prevent another demon from drinking at the breach?

2. Is there any way to repair/regain stat loss from breaching?

Another few questions, concerning Autofire:

The only place where I could find it clearly stated the amount of ammo a gun uses in autofire was on B1, p99, where it was talking about the Burst Fire Feat "Normal: Autofire uses ten rounds...". Am I correct in assuming then, that a Shattergun (no S or Single setting) with a magazine of 100 rounds, can only fire ten burst of autofire before being out of ammo?

If I read the write up on autofire, B1, p128, an attack is made against a 10' by 10' area (4 5' squares) with an effective AC 10. So if I have a 3rd level demon with a Ranged attack bonus of +2 firing a shattergun at a target area 30' away, he* would have a +5 to hit, or a 5 or better on a 1d20 would be a hit "At the targeted area" but then everyone in the targetted area gets a Reflex save (DC-15) to avoid damage......

...and, anyone that takes damage froma shattergun must make a fortitude check save against a DC check equal to the damage inflicted....
(so, a demon that took 10 points of damge from a shattergun would have to roll 10 or better to make the save, +/- and modifiers)

......or be stunned for 1 round.
1 combat round? Does that mean the targeted demon/mortal/etc misses one combat round? If so, does that mean that at the start of the next combat round he can participate in, that he would be flat footed until he has a chance to act?

Thanks, have some more questions, but I'm working nights at the moment and it hurts more than normal to try and concentrate. Have a nice day.

he* = He, She, It, or Whatever the case may be, for convence sake, I just use "he".
ruleslawyer#1 said:
1. What happened in combat when a demon goes below -1 hit points?

Can he/she/it still fight?
How many (what actions) can he/she/it take?
If the demon is incapacitated, can it do anything to prevent another demon from drinking at the breach?
1) They are basically out of the game when a -1 hit points or more.
2) No
3) None, they may make a Fortitude save to close the breach.
4) It has to hope it has allies to prevent that from happening.

ruleslawyer#1 said:
2. Is there any way to repair/regain stat loss from breaching?

We've been discussing that in another thread.

I suggested using the healing spell and for 15 iliaster heal 1 point of permanent damage.

Gar suggested a way to do it using Binding V p.235.
Mikeydanuke said:
Another few questions, concerning Autofire:

The only place where I could find it clearly stated the amount of ammo a gun uses in autofire was on B1, p99, where it was talking about the Burst Fire Feat "Normal: Autofire uses ten rounds...". Am I correct in assuming then, that a Shattergun (no S or Single setting) with a magazine of 100 rounds, can only fire ten bursts of autofire before being out of ammo?

Autofire from the Modern SRD:


If a ranged weapon has an automatic rate of fire, a character may set it on autofire. Autofire affects an area and everyone in it, not a specific creature. The character targets a 10-foot-by-10-foot area and makes an attack roll; the targeted area has an effective Armour Class of 10. If the attack succeeds, every creature within the affected area must make a Reflex save (DC 15) or take the weapon’s damage. Autofire shoots 10 bullets, and can only be used if the weapon has 10 bullets in it.

Autofire is not the same thing as burst fire, which involves firing a short burst at a specific target. Firing a burst requires the Burst Fire feat. If a character fires a blast of automatic fire at a specific target without the Burst Fire feat, it’s treated as a standard attack. The attack, if successful, only deals normal damage—all the extra ammunition the character fired is wasted.

Some firearms—particularly machine guns—only have autofire settings and can’t normally fire single shots.

A Shattergun would only be able to fire 10 times before reloading.

MD said:
If I read the write up on autofire, B1, p128, an attack is made against a 10' by 10' area (4 5' squares) with an effective AC 10. So if I have a 3rd level demon with a Ranged attack bonus of +2 firing a shattergun at a target area 30' away, he* would have a +5 to hit, or a 5 or better on a 1d20 would be a hit "At the targeted area" but then everyone in the targetted area gets a Reflex save (DC-15) to avoid damage......


MD said:
...and, anyone that takes damage froma shattergun must make a fortitude check save against a DC check equal to the damage inflicted....
(so, a demon that took 10 points of damge from a shattergun would have to roll 10 or better to make the save, +/- and modifiers)


MD said:
......or be stunned for 1 round.
1 combat round? Does that mean the targeted demon/mortal/etc misses one combat round? If so, does that mean that at the start of the next combat round he can participate in, that he would be flat footed until he has a chance to act?

There are stunned from the moment they failed the save until the person that shot them with the shattergun comes up in initiative again. A stunned character is considered flat-footed (lost Dex bonus to AC)

MD said:
he* = He, She, It, or Whatever the case may be, for convence sake, I just use "he".

If you check Mongoose books, they use "he" as well for convience sake.