I miss Scip...

Dr. Rooster

:cry: Man, why is everybody losing faith in SST all of a sudden...

...we're losing valuable men here, it's not right!

With the upcoming release of SST Evo, hasn't anybody re-thought their dismay of the game?

Scipio, come back! :x
Get an experienced SST gamer that knows what's going on to explain things and any person should lose all concerns. Heck, I've already persuaded several people to try SST this week DESPITE their knowledge of the changes to come.

C'mon guys, the only thing that might become invalid is a 15-20 dollar army book! Don't you think you'll have 15-20 dollars worth of fun in the next 8 months??
You nailed it Tigger. When I broke the news at my FLGS three people who had little interest in SST said they would get into it when Evo is released. A friend who just spent $500 on Exo and Pathfinder armies couldn't care less, he's not giving up.
I've always thought it was neat but was too deeply into the GW games and D&D to be able to pick up another game that required painting MORE miniatures. Now that the prepaints are coming out, I'm IN!!

Might even just call my GW involvement done!
patton said:
people keep saying the change is good but i think it'll probably be bad

Why - give me a list.

Saying things are bad and rubbishing new ideas, is just so much hot air unless you can present a reasonably well constructed argument.
Captain Rooster said:
:cry: Man, why is everybody losing faith in SST all of a sudden...

...we're losing valuable men here, it's not right!

With the upcoming release of SST Evo, hasn't anybody re-thought their dismay of the game?

Scipio, come back! :x

I'm still here - I'm not going anywhere soon (I've just been a bit too busy to post much lately).
Richgo22 said:
Here in Germany morale is high. . . can not wait fpr my next SST game, and SST/E to come.

Thats right! We've now 5 Players in the club and i think this will not the lastones who will start the game!

Myself will not go away from SST. I love the game and will keep playing it!
Since folks at my club learned of the pre-painted game coming, I've got two more really interested and another two or three maybes.

Considering before that we had myself (bought a lot, plainted and played), one other (bought the basic set but never assembled anything) and one other (bought MI and never assembled them).

So if my local club is anything to go by, Mongoose have will have doubled their sales!

I don't miss Scipio, but I do miss Taco. :)
What's the problem with SST Evo and the new modells.
If you don't like them you can still play with the old rules and the old modells.
I know people still playing Warhammer40k 2nd Edition (the rules where far more comlplex than this today's rulesmud and you really had to think - and the awefull balance, well if you wanna play a nice balanced army, you can).
My group had nothing other than a faint passing interestin SST UNTIL the EVO line news. Now, that's not saying we're definitly in on SST. As of now, looks more like CE for us, but it's close. Either way, we will buy from the both lines as we like. Or, we may even buy lightly into one, and heavier into the other. We all liked the idea of SST and would like to try it without the time commitment of the painting/modeling. Now that that has arrived, who knows? Thing is, if (when?) a WWII game comes or even a cool fantasy system, that will definitly become our secondary game.
Scipio is still around (just post a topic with a non-compliant patch, heh :wink: ), but I think he's just keeping a light eye on the forum. If he sees something that rekindles his enthusiasm, I'm sure he'll jump in with both feet again. If not, he'll always be part of the 'family'. Although he had criticisms, I know he said he was still a fan at heart and like him we'll all want to see SST continue and thrive.