I'm in the middle of reading Conan the Magnificent and I am rather surprised to see a drake featured in the story (the story says they were the creations of ancient Acheronian sorcerers). It was my understanding that drakes (and dragon-like creatures in general) were nonexistant in Conan. From the Bestiary we are told that, although rare, there are vampires, were-beasts, ghouls, ghosts, and demons in Hyborian Earth. I recall frost giants being statted out in one of the Conan accessories. So what other rare D&D-like creatures are present in Conan's world?
Lizardmen in the jungles of the Black Kingdoms?
Mermaids in the western ocean?
Dryads in the Pictish wilderness?
Lizardmen in the jungles of the Black Kingdoms?
Mermaids in the western ocean?
Dryads in the Pictish wilderness?