How fare the Centauri?

Davesaint said:
Lord David the Denied said:
Centauri are strong if played well and the dice favour you - like everything in this game. You're very vulnerable to critical hits, especially so since Centauri have below average damage scores.

Your main weapon, ion cannons, struggle to hit hull 6 targets, even with twin-linked. You lack beams and have few SAP weapons.

That's it, really.

How do the Centauri lack Beams?

Darkener - 3AD
Sulust - 4AD
Primus - 6AD
Magnus - 2AD
Dargan - 3AD
Liati - 4AD


You also forget:

Morgath - 3AD
Corvan - 2AD
Octurion - 6AD
Adira - 8AD

Of the Centauri's 20 ship types, 10 have beams. Not exactly lacking.

Also, their damage is better characterized as being "average" rather than "below average," overall.
What if our pretty Vorchans went to 15 hits & got interceptors 1 so in essence
15/5, & demos ion cannons dropped to 8".
Would that make them better to play with.
David said:
What they do lack is decent beam ranges.

18" beams aren't that bad David, and the Sullust is range 24. With the beams being front arced, getting range 18 isn't that hard with an APTE, especially on a 6x4' table.

The beams are precise, so you will tend to crit an awful lot, which makes up for the lack of DD on the beam.

My bad on the Morgath, Corvan, Octurion, and Adira. I don't field the War Level hulls that often, and almost never field the Morgath. I forgot about the beam change on the Corvan.

If the 18" beam is too short for you, you should try running the abbai sometime. Range 12 and 15 beams. Joy......


David said:
What they do lack is decent beam ranges.

18" beams aren't that bad David, and the Sullust is range 24. With the beams being front arced, getting range 18 isn't that hard with an APTE, especially on a 6x4' table.

The beams are precise, so you will tend to crit an awful lot, which makes up for the lack of DD on the beam.

My bad on the Morgath, Corvan, Octurion, and Adira. I don't field the War Level hulls that often, and almost never field the Morgath. I forgot about the beam change on the Corvan.

If the 18" beam is too short for you, you should try running the abbai sometime. Range 12 and 15 beams. Joy......

Davesaint said:
David said:
What they do lack is decent beam ranges.

18" beams aren't that bad David, and the Sullust is range 24. With the beams being front arced, getting range 18 isn't that hard with an APTE, especially on a 6x4' table.

The beams are precise, so you will tend to crit an awful lot, which makes up for the lack of DD on the beam.

My bad on the Morgath, Corvan, Octurion, and Adira. I don't field the War Level hulls that often, and almost never field the Morgath. I forgot about the beam change on the Corvan.

If the 18" beam is too short for you, you should try running the abbai sometime. Range 12 and 15 beams. Joy......


Perhaps. But, the ranges aren't good. It's at least a turn or more before you can get into range. I'm not all that fond of beam weapons that require you to get into knife fighting range. I'm not complaining, mind, just pointing out. Playing Centauri has a different dynamic than playing Minbari. ;)
Guess I've been playing too long, I remember knife fighting range being 5 and less... 8 to 10 was short... 15 to 20 was prime range... the 24 to 30 was long and over 30 was near uselessly long.

I did predict that we'd have range creep when they changed the former close in weapons to AF/AAF dice. Just didn't think I'd see anyone call 18 inches knife fighting...

Ripple said:
Guess I've been playing too long, I remember knife fighting range being 5 and less... 8 to 10 was short... 15 to 20 was prime range... the 24 to 30 was long and over 30 was near uselessly long.

I did predict that we'd have range creep when they changed the former close in weapons to AF/AAF dice. Just didn't think I'd see anyone call 18 inches knife fighting...


"There you go again. Thinking! Behind my back!"
Don Juan to Leporello
The battle lasers do score plenty of critical hits generally - they just don't kill much of anything. Especially when you're talking about a Dargan blatting at an Omega with its laser and scoring three crits, all of which add a couple of damage and slow the ship down a bit or something, then failing to do significant damage with its ship-killing DD weapons...
David said:
ATN082268 said:
David said:
My last fight playing Centauri, my opponent brought an Armageddon level ship while I did not. I had a couple of Battle level ships but the preponderance of the fleet was Raid and Skirmish. He never really had the initiative, and I got to shoot the pants off of him from many different angles.

Numerical superiority winning the day in ACTA, how can it be?


Andrew Norris

The Great Maker was with us, you unbeliever ;O

Two Marathons adrift, one crippled (out of 4) and the Excalibur had THREE Adrift Crits. All after the first round. Being outnumbered four to one really didn't get it done for me.

Of course, the Centauri lack the intestinal fortitude to put the Adira on the table against the Excalibur.
wkehrman said:
David said:
ATN082268 said:
Numerical superiority winning the day in ACTA, how can it be?


Andrew Norris

The Great Maker was with us, you unbeliever ;O

Two Marathons adrift, one crippled (out of 4) and the Excalibur had THREE Adrift Crits. All after the first round. Being outnumbered four to one really didn't get it done for me.

Of course, the Centauri lack the intestinal fortitude to put the Adira on the table against the Excalibur.

Blatant propaganda! The crew of the Adira were busy cleaning up after a, um, "religious festival".
wkehrman said:
Two Marathons adrift, one crippled (out of 4) and the Excalibur had THREE Adrift Crits. All after the first round. Being outnumbered four to one really didn't get it done for me.

Of course, the Centauri lack the intestinal fortitude to put the Adira on the table against the Excalibur.

Leave it to the Centauri to use cheap tactics and not fight you one on one. They would, of course, rather send out their underlings than fight you man to man. Of course, not much is to be expected of a decadent old empire on the verge of self destruction
l33tpenguin said:
wkehrman said:
Two Marathons adrift, one crippled (out of 4) and the Excalibur had THREE Adrift Crits. All after the first round. Being outnumbered four to one really didn't get it done for me.

Of course, the Centauri lack the intestinal fortitude to put the Adira on the table against the Excalibur.

Leave it to the Centauri to use cheap tactics and not fight you one on one. They would, of course, rather send out their underlings than fight you man to man. Of course, not much is to be expected of a decadent old empire on the verge of self destruction

Ah yes, spoken like one of the lesser races. No member of the Fleet is considered an "underling". They are merely working to achieve a greater greatness than they came with. Shame be upon you for speaking such lies! Say what you will about the successful tactics of the Republic, but you may never apply the word "cheap" to them. We will account you to be little more than a scurrilous dog.
Besides, you say "decadent" like it is a bad thing. Poncy git. ;)
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