house combat rule


I must begin this by saying I have yet to play a conan game but I came up with a house rule and want you guys' opinion.

I was thinking that the way the rules are now one either will dodge all the time or parry all the time. I thought it might be more "realistic" to place a negative one to your dodge or parry each time you use them in a round so for every parry that you perform it goes down by one. This would show that it is harder to block the tenth blow then the first one. Would this idea work?
Nah, I think it's not worth the effort of staying in touch with changing dodge and parry stats. Imagine the mess, when your PCs are fighting with some thugs, and you have to remember how much parry and dodge does everybody have...
I agree with the reasons you state for this house rule, but I have to agree with almighty Zeus that it would bog down combat too much for my taste. Guess it's the old matter of "realist but time-consuming" VS "simple but fast". Due to my inherent laziness, I always go for the latter... 8)
I'm tempted to introduce more detailed house rules such as this, but again, it will probably be too much hassle to remember to implement, let alone keep track of.

I had an idea for a fatigue system, but fear it's too unwieldy for me to bother with. Here it is...

50% or less HP: Fatigued (-1 Hit, Damage, Dodge, Parry, Reflex saves)
10% or less HP: Staggered (limited to one move or standard action/round)
0 HP: Disabled (as core rules)
How about a rule that prevents PCs from becoming HitPoint Monsters? Let's say - depending on the class, a PC gets only 1,2 or 3 additional HPs...
From 11th level on, PCs only gain 1,2,or 3 hit points depending on their Hit Die. It's somewhat limiting. Better than D20 at least.
Reducing dodge/parry against multiple attackers would be double-penalizing the defender, anyway. Multiple attackers get a progressive +1 to hit, in addition to any flanking bonus. The example is on page 187.
I was actually thinking that there shoudl be a third vaule - one for just standing there - like a typical Defense - then a Dodge and Parry.

oops that last message was garbage. sorry. I meant to say I had not seen the addition for multiple attackers before.